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selling keep


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
a friend of mine is selling his keep named baowolf his icq number is 314596941 hes asking for 250 mil icq him for location thatnks


To give you an idea. I sold a Keep on Ice Isle for 35mill just abit ago.


Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Most I have heard in last 2 yrs for a keep is 100 mil & this one was in Lower Vesper right next to the Inn.. Others I have seen in the past 6 most have ranged from 25 to 40 mil on Keeps.


You sure your friend isn't trying to sell a castle? Keeps have been in the
30 to 40 mill range for the last couple of years.
One keep went for 25 mill in Fel last month.


I'm resetting the sale price of my Keep to 65 mill its located north east of britain and near yew its on the coast has one lone tree out front and to the east is a small dock with 3 cannons on it theirs room for a smaller house next to that but not big enuf for even a tower... soo if your interested my icq is 314-596-941 just mention buying keep in thread to request authorization ty and im sorry for the high price tag origanally posted...Just that i heard rumors of keeps selling for 250 and castles for 600 my bag again hopefully i can sell soon theirs some stuff still in keep its included ok ty vm

Ken of Napa

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
sorry my mistake it was a castle for 250 mil again my apoligies
That does make more sense on Napa. On Atlantic, where I've recently started playing, I see Castles going for 400 to 600 million and Keeps for 200 to 250 million.

I sold my first Castle (placed during the night of telestorming) North of Minoc for 15 mil. LoL

Recently that Castle went Idoc (guess new owner was banned or something) hon placed in the same spot and sold for I think 250 mil, LoL !!

Guess I should have hung on to that spot. However, right after I sold the Castle, I sold 5 million gold on Ebay for $300.00. So everything being relative, with gold currently at approx $1.00 per million, guess I didn't do all that bad.