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Selling IDLE HANDS - $$ Only.



Hello everyone, due to family ilness i have had to return home and will be selling this very rare and one of a kind item to the highest bidder.

The gloves are blessed even to it doesn't say in the title and once double clicked they cause flame strike effect (With no damage) - Very cool!!!!

Here is a link to a picture - Sorry Gunnie but i borrowed your pic of the gloves as i am not at my pc and cant get a snap shot.


I need a paypal or money order payment PM me here or ICQ 997128

I have to pay for an operation hence the sale.


Sorry guys but i need this to be a Cash sale. (Paypal or MO).

Need the RL money. Sorry and thanks for your concerns.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
off subject u ever making ur house open to public again it was a priety nice house and i enjoyed looking thru it