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[Selling] Selling Fully Loaded PvP and PvM Accounts.



I have 2 accounts that I am selling together. Between the two accounts at least gm in almost every skill. Several skills are 120 and many 120s have been eaten on a lot of the characters. All the characters are suited out with armor that coordinates with the templates and all have plenty of gold for insurance. Just a brief list of templates on the accounts.

2 Tamers- one on napa one on baja- both have bonded pets
2 bushido archers- one on napa one on baja
peacer/spawner/sdi mage- on napa
scribe wrestle mage- on napa
poison fencer- on napa
crafter- on napa
bushido parry macer- napa
scribe necro mage- lake superior
thief stealther- legends
provoker mage- napa

Plenty other skills and several multiples to make new characters with.

brief list of items:

2 ornys
3 crimsons
2 aofs
2 hats of the magi
3 leggings of bane
2 spirit of the totem
2 mace and shield glasses
Most of the characters have very valuable pieces on thier suits that would exceed the value of any of the artifacts listed above.
Very expensive and sick jewelry on the dexers


The house is full of sick armor, jewelry, weapons, ingots and just about anything you would need to play the game. Pots, trap boxes, arrows. apples, all in bulk. The house has everything you need to make new suits. I only kept stuff that I felt was valuable or that could be used. All the armor is sick, Lots of sick weapons and jewelry just waiting for someone to make a character or suit with. Minor and some major arties, powerscrolls, lots of soulstones in the house, some with skills already on them and others empty.

2 sick mage suits 3 sick dexer suits and a few lrc suits already put together
and on the characters.

The account is fully ready to be played. Nothing has been sold or stripped.

One account is 101 months old and the other one is 50 months old.

Icq me with ANY questions, details, offers, or comments at 169163339. If you dont have icq, PM me.