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[Gardening] selling baskets...


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
anyone had any luck selling baskets? I'm wondering what price to charge and which would be the most popular. I put some colored picnic baskets on my vendor at 10k each but haven't sold but 2 of them - so I'm wondering if I'm too high or if baskets aren't that appealing?



Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I've seen a couple of vendors well stocked with colored baskets at around 250k that don't seem to sell. I've been able to sell the "scoured" baskets at around 25k.

Lady Lovely

I saw someone on Atlantic trying to sell a small fire bushel for 5mil.....I died laughing...I mean sure they are a pain to make and take a lot of plants but seriously 5 mil.....no one will buy that!
I'm thinking that honestly the work put into making them is worth at leaaaaaast 50k- 100k max but will peps buy them at that price...I doubt it :(

Flora Green

Found a vendor on Origin selling for 98k I think it was. I don't know if they are selling, but I doubt it. I'm going to make some soon for Halloween decorating, maybe I'll toss a few on a vendor.


Queen of The Outlaws
Stratics Veteran
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I can't sell them, and I refuse to sell cheaper than 25k as they are a pain to make