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[Selling] Selling Alot Of Items & Account For Super Cheap!! - Take A Look




Hello, im wanting to sell the items i have and an account. Im willing to sell the items alone or the whole account with items (what i prefer)
Im willing to let this go for super cheap as im having some RL problems and need the money badly. the characters and items are on the lake superior shard
Here is the items list and more information:

Pendant Of The Magi x 3
Scrappers x 4
Quiver Of Infinity x 8
Ornament Of The Magician (Cursed) x 2
Spell Woven Britches x 1
Snake Skin Boots x 2
Copper Robe x 1
Bronze Robe x 1
Ice White Robe x 1
Dark Grey Robe x 1
Europa Gold Robe (Blessed) x 1
Rainbow Rare Robe (One Of Two On Shard) x 1
Ethereal Beetle x4
Ethereal Ki Rin x2
Ethereal Ridgeback x1
Ethereal Unicorn x2
Ethereal Horse x1
Ethereal Llama x3
Ethereal Ostard x1
Charger Of The Fallen Stattue x2
120 Peacemaking x2
120 Chivarly x2
120 Ninjitsu x2
120 Wrestling x2
120 Focus x1
120 Provocation x1
120 Mace Fighting x1
120 Animal Taming x1
120 Bushido x1
120 Resisting Spells x2
120 Animal Lore x2
Hooded Robe Of Umbra x3
Sorcerers Set (100RLC 5LMC 2MR 10DCI 6INT ALL 70s) x1
Full Set Of Virtue Armor x1
Staff Of The Magi x1
Staff Of The Pyros x2
Spring Cleaning Luck Set x1
Spring Cleaning New Braclet x2
Primer On Arms Library Tailsman x1
Arcane Shield x2
Rune Beetle Carapce x1
Royal Leggings Of Ember x3
Ancient Samurai Helm x1
Stormgrip x1
The Redeemer x1
Sword Of Justice - Vesper Musuem (SC -1 100 Luck Sle Slayer) x1
Leggings Of Bane x1
Jackals Collar x1
Helm Of Insight x1
Powder Of Fortification 10 Charges x 10
Spring Decor Tokens x 4
Full Soulstone Token x 1
UO Eighth Anniversary Token x 3
Soulstone Fragment Token x 3
Member Of The Royal Brittian Guard (Old Sashes Not The New Spring Ones) x1
Atlantic Blue Rare Robe (Blessed) x 1
Ring With 1/3 LRC 10 HCI 10 Energy Resist 9
Ankh Pendants x5
Chest Of Heirlooms x 1
Glass Dagger x 7
Heritage Token x 34
Shadow Items Token x1
Spirit Of The Totem (Cursed) x1
Jaana's Staff x1
Virtue Armor x1
1 Million Gold Checks x10
Ankh 5th Yr Vet Reward x4
Fountain Of Life x 38
Dexxer Suit With The Following Stats & Items:
DI 65
HCI 50
DCI 17
LMC 30
73 Physical
67 Fire
68 Cold
83 Poison
69 Energy
Dex Bonus 33
Str Bonus 10
Int Bonus 8
Hit Point Regen 6
Mana Regen 5
Hit Point Inc 10
Stamina Inc 8
Mana Inc 14
Enhance Potions 20%
Luck 125
Hit Lower Defense 30%

Mace & Shield Glasses
Jackals Collar
Rune Beetle Carapace
Ring Of The Vile
Totem Of The Void
Leggings Of Bane
Quiver Of Infinity
Crimson Cincture
A Dark Grey Robe
Double Blessed Black Sandals
Sleeves With MR2 MI4 LMC5 6/23/5/8/23

Lucky Sculptures x3
Ring Of The Vile x1
Clothing Bless Deed x3

Dexxer Suit With The Following Stats & Items
HCI 43
LMC 40
DI 22
SR 6
MR 6
SI 9
MI 10
Reflect Physical Damage 24
83 Physical
72 Fire
71 Cold
105 Poison
56 Energy

Totem Of The Void
Spirit Of The Totem
Rune Beetle Carapace
Ring Of The Vile
Braclet With 7STR 13HCI 22DI 13 Fire Resist
Leggings With 17/5/19/16/10 SI5 LMC5
Gloves With 20/21/6/22/8 MR1 RPD 9
Gorget With 10/8/19/19/6 MR2 LMC4
Sleeves With 16/19/5/21/7 LMC6 SI4

Totem Of The Void x1
Armor Of Fortune (Cursed) x1
Clanins Spellbook x1

Mage Suit With The Following Stats & Items:
DCI 20
DI 50
LRC 109
LMC 44
FC 3
SDI 15
Dex Bonus 5
Int Bonus 18
MR 8
HPI 10
MI 4
Luck 300

42 Physical
72 Fire
80 Poison
64 Cold
86 Energy

Armor Of Fortune (Dyed Rare Old School Tub Blue)
Hat Of The Magi (Blessed) (Pure White)
Quiver Of Infinity
Totem Of The Void
Inquisators Resoloution
Ring Of The Elements
Ornament Of The Magician
Staff Of The Magi
Crimson Cincture
Sleeves With 6/23/6/20/7 MR1 LMC6 SI3
Legs With 14/21/8/18/7 LRC 19 MI4

Night Sight Earrings x 9
Tome Of Lost Knowledge x1
Treastie On Alchemy Library Tailsman x1
Beehive x1
Egg Nest x1
Yucca Trees x2
Bamboo Tree x1
Rose Of Trinsic x3
120 Tactics x1
Full Set Of Spring T-Shirts x1

Dexxer Suit With The Following Items & Stats:

DCI 11
HCI 40
LMC 36
Str Bonus 20
Dex Bonus 17
Int Bonus 6
SR 6
MR 8
HPI 10
MI 22
RPD 15
70 Physical
83 Fire
82 Poison
72 Cold
61 Energy

Spirit Of The Totem
Ring Of The Vile
Rune Beetle Carapace
Crimson Cincture
A Dark Grey Robe
Quiver Of Infinity x2
Snake Skin Boots
Braclet With Dex 4 Int 6 HCI 10 DCI 6 LMC 5
Sleeves With MR2 14/17/16/21/9
Mempo With MI 5 15/17/21/17/12
Gloves With MR1 LMC6 6/21/8/7/16

Blight Gripped Longbow
Composite Bow With Hit Harm 34 Balanced SSI 35 DI 40
Royal Britannian Guard Sashes x3
Old School Hair Dye x1
Bed Of Nails x1
Pixies x5
Heavy Cross Bow With Hit Stam Leech 40 Hit Fireball 38 SSI 35 Hit Life Leech 38 LR20 Terathen Slayer

The Account Is Active Until August 6th
Its 77 Months Old So Far & All The Characters Are Pretty Much Scrolled Out
Comes With A 18x18 Plot Between Wrong & Ice Dungeon
There is alot of other items on the account that im not gonna list one by one including rubble about 20k in enhanced aids pvp supplies etc, also ALOT of 10s + 15s powerscrolls
UOAssist Registered Upgraded All The Way Up To 9th Anni

The Characters:

Number 1:
Red With 22 Counts
115 Anatomy
115 Archery
100 Healing
100 Hiding
120 Ninjtsu
90 Stealth
100 Tactics

Number 2:
Blue With 0 Counts
120 Tailoring
99.2 Bowcrafting
100 Alchemy
100 Arms Lore
100 Carpentry
98.3 Blacksmithy
60 Magery

Number 3:
Red With 191 Counts
120 Magery
120 Eval Int
115 Resist
120 Spirit Speak
113.7 Necromancy (Scrolled To 120)
120 Meditation

Number 4:
Blue With 0 Counts
104.7 Eval
100.2 Magery
106.0 Med
100.4 Wrestling

Number 5:
100 Anatomy
110 Bushido
60 Chivarly
112.3 Fencing (Scrolled To 120)
100 Healing
104.3 Parrying
113.5 Tactics

Number 6:
102.0 Eval Int
100.1 Magery
75.1 Med
110 Music
115 Necromancy
110 Peacemaking
110 Spirit Speak

For Any Other Questions Please ICQ Me At 376458645
Ill be taking offers threw ICQ & On Here for a couple days
Once the bidding is closed i can only accept westren union due to the fact i currently work in the middle east and paypal isn't working properly for recieving money
The westren union fee will be paid by the buyer its 10 dollars after you send the payment you give me the required information and i trace the transfer then e-mail you the username and PW for the account that has the items.

Ricky Bobby

Beware of this guy....he will scam you, as he tried to do to me last night.