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[Selling] Selling a very rare Seer Item


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Selling an item for one of my reclusive friends. This item comes with a very rich history. Its called "An Antique Platemail" the chest piece. It originates from Europa and the item is still there. It has been put away in her vault for nearly 7 years and she owns 3 of the 6 pieces. She is only willing to part with 1 of the 3 due to shortage on funds. All gold must be paid on Europa. The tunic is of an unique hue.

Post your bids here. There is a buyout of 500 mil but she will monitor this thread to see how the bid goes. Again this is a Seer Item going back 10+ years.

Also, she is selling a Jester's hat made by the Princes of Jesters. Some of you older players may know what this is.
so bid away.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Does the hat actually have the "made by" tag or is it crafted? Its from around the same time as the Al'Cedra lal Draconais gloves if I'm not mistaken.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Does the hat actually have the "made by" tag or is it crafted? Its from around the same time as the Al'Cedra lal Draconais gloves if I'm not mistaken.
good question, i don't know but you can ask her yourself at 64469956


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I think its crafted if i remember correctly from the one i got in an IDOC a few years back.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
good question, i don't know but you can ask her yourself at 64469956
Haha, well don't feel bad because I didn't know either. I remember hearing something a long time ago about a Princess of Jesters hat with a 'made by' tag, but its been so long it would probably be borderline impossible to verify, unless of course someone happens to see this post. I have one of the 'crafted by' that I purchased from Alcestis, it seems so long ago... Anyways, thank you Escaflowne, Petra and Manticore for the replies.