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[Selling] Selling 96 Month Pac based-napa-gm chars on other shards

  • Thread starter LuckyCharms420
  • Start date
  • Watchers 0


Pac Based- larger Tower in Fel-

120 Archery
100 tactics
100 anatomy
100 hiding
100 stealth
90 healing
85 ninjistu
60 chiv

With a suit and ethy

110 magery
110 eval
115 animal lore
115 med
100 animal taming
90 vet

has a suit and pets

108 swords- eatin a 120
105 tactics- eatin a 120
100 resist-
100 parry- eatin a 120
100 med- eatin a 120
90 bush- eatin a 120
80 Chiv -

Has a suit

120 blacksmith
120 tailoring
100 arms lore
100 tinkering
100 magery

Mule #2
100 tinkering
100 fletching
100 focus
100 lumberjack
100 med
60 magery

2 full soulstones- 7 frags
skills on stones-99 bush-100 chiv-100 music-110 focus-100 mining-

a Few boxes with armor-weps-ect- few tokens also- 5mill in gold

You will also find MANY soulstone frag tokens on other shards..MANY

Hit me up on icq with any offers of gold and items

488 029 187