wee papa smurf
Wall torch x8
Small fish net x2
Red plain rug
Suit of silver armor x4
Peach tree
Large fish net x3
Blue fancy rug
Broken chest of drawers
Statue x2
Suit of gold armor x4
Table with a blue tablecloth
Golden decorative rug
Hanging axes x2
Ladder x5
Fountain (Not the fountain of life)
Hearth of the home fire x2
Boiling cauldron
Apple tree x2
Iron maiden
Hanging swords x2
Unmade bed
Pink fancy rug
Broken armoire
Broken bookcase
Cherry blossom tree
Broken bed
Table with an orange tablecloth
Standing broken chair
Table with a red tablecloth
Cinnamon fancy rug
Archery butte (Not a heritage item but i added it to take the number of items to 60 )
5m for the lot
Small fish net x2
Red plain rug
Suit of silver armor x4
Peach tree
Large fish net x3
Blue fancy rug
Broken chest of drawers
Statue x2
Suit of gold armor x4
Table with a blue tablecloth
Golden decorative rug
Hanging axes x2
Ladder x5
Fountain (Not the fountain of life)
Hearth of the home fire x2
Boiling cauldron
Apple tree x2
Iron maiden
Hanging swords x2
Unmade bed
Pink fancy rug
Broken armoire
Broken bookcase
Cherry blossom tree
Broken bed
Table with an orange tablecloth
Standing broken chair
Table with a red tablecloth
Cinnamon fancy rug
Archery butte (Not a heritage item but i added it to take the number of items to 60 )
5m for the lot