To have an account open for 12 years you had to spend nearly $1,500.
Gold is selling at as low as 50 cents per million.
So does it make a lot of sense that such rare items are selling for about 25 million which comes out to $12.50? People who manage to buy teleporters so cheaply now are going o make a killing in a couple weeks when people realize there isn't any more for sale. It is going to take at least 1 year before there are quite a few available. Out of 100+ active players in our guild we have only managed to see 4 sets claimed. And a couple dozen want these teleporters.
It is basic supply and demand. There is literally no supply and a ton of demand. Just look at the prices. First day you could find them for 15, now they are going for 30. Someone just posted they are buying for 45. The publish went in 3 days ago and the price has already tripled. It usually goes down over time, not up.