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[Buying and Selling] Sellin 10dci 29sdi, buying much more


Stratics Veteran
Selling 10dci/29sdi/5lmc/2frc 1 point in sdi from been perfect, 10dci is very hard to find make offer
Buying event item food, glowing runes, the small (fire) non rubble, Ore cart, wind spirit (spinning head), and magical door, also dbl blessed items, phoenix armor, (gloves/head) ESP, lookin for other parts as well tho
All types of event items low end to high end, I'am Tater in-game, ICQ 622755499 hit me up on icq, If you post here I will reply as well, 120 imbue always making custom suits, weps, jewels, w/e you need Bid it up on spellbook, ICQ me if you have any of the items iam lookin for, also buy ethys