Fangs McWolf
To the point guide for doing factory runs!
First a few points...
Factory Facts
Factory Map
I don't know who made this map but they did a rather good job on it.
Merit values (per set of cogs)
Factory Runs and Merit Values
For the two marked runs, I will refer to them as the 520 and 584 runs. When I refer to a run by a number, look for the invasion merits that match that number. For example, a 464 run would be the first route listed under the side elevator.
Runs to use for needed merits
*=recommended runs
A note on the recommended runs - The reason I marked those is based either on simplicity (same route each time) or quickness (no more than 2 different routes to follow). You may notice that for the Mr. Hollywood 2360 merit runs, I recommend getting 2336, shorting you by 24 merits. This is only because it's easier to remember and to get the other 24 in a 2 story building.
I know, it looks confusing but this should help. Look at how many merits you need for your next promotion. Now, find the next highest number of merits (if there isn't an exact match). If you need 1100 for example, you'd follow the runs listed for 1104. You see that tells you to go on one run of 520 merits and one for 584 merits. Refer to above to see which rooms you would need to go to.
If you need more than 776 merits but less than 928, then I recommend just using following the 928. If you need 776 or fewer merits, then just look for the single run that matches what you need. If you need less than 200 merits, you might consider doing a building or two.
When it comes down to it, when you're not sure, do the 520 OR 584 runs listed above. They're quick and often the most efficient.
Unless there is someone in the group who cannot use the side elevator, I always recommend using the side elevator for all runs.
Some people insist on doing full factory runs, believing that they can get more merits in a shorter period of time. However, to do a full factory takes a minimum of 20 minutes, and in 20 minutes you can either earn 776 merits (full factory run) or you can earn 1040 merits (2x520). The only way to get more merits in the same time doing a full factory is if you can do the entire factory and start dancing in 16 minutes or less. Here's why: If you take 11 minutes to do a 520 run, you are earning a little over 47 merits/minute. In a full run, 776 merits total with an average of 48 merits per minute is 16.17 minutes. This gives you little to no time to fall behind. Simply put, you actually have more breathing room doing multiple 520 runs than you do with a single 776 run.
Solo'ing Factory
First let me say that even the best of players can go sad when trying to solo the factory. Sometimes it comes down to pure luck despite what the player does. So if you try and go sad or feel you won't make it, don't feel bad. It's still a learning experience. This small Solo guide isn't "one size fits all", it's just to give an idea on one way to do it. You can always have a friend tag along to watch and talk to, with them not joining any battles unless you ask for help. That way if you are having problems, they can save your toon behind.
Go in through the side elevator.
If you should happen to need a toonup, remember the +5 in Stomper Alley. If you feel daring enough, you can go past the stompers, through the door, to the left past the lava for another +10 barrel, beans (50 total) and restocks (squirt, sound). Also, if you go out the other side of the warehouse, past the goons and take the door on the left, there is a paint mixer room with some beans and gag ups on the other side (35 beans with hose, cream pie, lipstick and feather).
Hope this helps with a solo run for you.
Technical stuff...
How merits are calculated:
Add the cog values, then add 1 each odd level cog. Multiply that result by 2 for non invasion merits or multiply by 4 for invasion merits.
Example, in the Lobby, you have 3 3 and 5. Added up, that is 11. There are 3 odd numbered cogs, bringing the total to 14. If you plan to dance during an invasion, you multiply the 14 by 4, giving you 56 merits.
For the mathematically inclined, it's (sum of cogs values + number of odd leveled cogs) * 4.
Despite how great the 520 run is, it's not always the best option. Sometimes you may need one more set of cogs (584 merits) or one set less (464). So it's best to know the different runs you'll need before you go in. It can be difficult sometimes to figure out the ideal set of runs but here's one method to follow to help you determine what you will need.
Total merits needed ÷ 776 (full run)
Total merits needed ÷ 464 (minimum run)
The full run will tell you the very minimum number of runs you'll need. The 'minimum' tells you how many maximum runs you may need. The number you want should be somewhere inbetween these two values.
Let's use 5500 (Hollywood merits) as an example.
5500÷776=7.09, which means 7 runs and then a few more merits.
5500÷464=11.85, which is 11 (closer to 12) runs.
So the number of runs you need is between 7 and 12. Let's now look at how many per run you'd need, based on how many runs you do.
Now from here, we need to figure out which routes match up with the merits needed. It's not possible to get 786 merits per run, so we have to go for the maximum, 776. Doing that, we need 64 more merits after doing 7 full factories.
The closest thing to a 688 is 656, which would yield 5248 merits, shorting us 252 merits. However if we do 720 runs, we get 5760 merits, which is an excess of 260. You *could* do 7x720 and then 1x464, but then that can be confusing to remember 1 odd run. Also, if you're going to do a 720, you may as well make it 776.
Using the same idea with 611, the closest is 600 which would short you 100 merits. If you do the next one up (648), you get 5832. You could try 8x648, but then you'd need 316 more merits at the end.
Looking at the 10 runs, you would get 5200 with 520 runs or 5840 with 584 runs. But look at this. If you do a run for 520 and a run for 584, you get 1104 merits, and 5500÷1100 is 5. This means that if you do 5x520 and 5x584, then you'll get 1104x5 which is 5520 merits.
Now 11 at 500 each, the closest is 480 or 520. That means between 5280 merits (11x480) and 5720 merits (11x520). You *could* do 5x520 (2600) and 5x480 (2400), but then you are jumping between front and side elevators, which can be a pain.
Finally the 12 run solution. The minimum run is 464, giving you 5568 merits if you do 12 runs.
EDIT LOG times are eastern. Some updates may not be in the edit log.
2008-11-05@14:28 'Trish' update.
2008-11-06@14:58 Added my Solo method. Added factory map by unknown.
- First a few points...
- Factory Facts
- Factory Map
- Merit values (per set of cogs)
- Factory Runs and Merit Values
- Runs to use for needed merits
- Solo'ing Factory
- Technical Stuff...
First a few points...
- While glitching is possible, this guide is based on doing things in a normal fashion with no glitching, etc.
- Despite what is shown in this guide, actual experiences most likely will differ.
- Comments are welcome.
- There is a bit of detail and thought explained here that may not make sense at first.
- This is a work in progress. As said above, comments are welcome. If you spot a typo or something that seems confusing, misplaced, etc, please let me know. Different perspectives help a great deal.
Factory Facts
- You get double gag points, regardless of invasion or not. If you would normally get 100 points on the street, you will get 200 in the factory. Simple enough.
- There are only 2 sets of cogs that have 4 cogs to battle. One in the warehouse, the other in the center silo.
- The weakest level cogs are level 3. The strongest is a level 9 (the foreman).
- On the cog levels, in all the sets, there is at least a level 5 cog. So if you play smart, you can get a decent number of gag points on the run.
- There are some rooms that you cannot avoided. If you enter through the front, you MUST fight the cogs in the Lobby and then either the Gear room or the Boiler room. If you enter through the side, then you MUST fight the cogs in the Duct Room and either the Oil Room or the Pipe room (although you only have to fight 1 set in the Pipe room, not both). Regardless of which way you enter, on all runs you must battle the cogs in the Warehouse and all 3 Silos.
- The different barrels available.
- Of the different gag restock barrels, Cake is the only level 6 gag offered and lipstick is the only level 3 gag offered. A level 1 toonup (feather) is offered twice.
- You havea total of 3 toonup (1 lipstick + 2 feather), 2 throw (cake, cream pie), 2 squirt (both hose) and 1 sound (elephant).
- There are 3 jellybean barrels for a total of 85 beans
- Also, 2 toonup barrels (+5 and +10).
- In order to enter the side elevator, you must have at least 31 current laff (ie, even if you have 100, if your current meter is below 31, you can't board).
Factory Map
I don't know who made this map but they did a rather good job on it.
Merit values (per set of cogs)
Reg Inv CogLvls Room (* is the start room from elevator)
--- --- ------- --------------------------------------------------
28 56 3 3 5 * Lobby (front elevator)
36 72 5 5 6 Gear Room (paint room has gag barrels)
32 64 3 5 6 Boiler Room
28 56 4 4 5 Pipe Room (North)
28 56 4 4 5 Pipe Room (South)
28 56 3 4 5 * Duct Room (side elevator) - aka Stomper Room
32 64 4 5 5 Oil Room (Lava room has gag barrels and toon up)
40 80 4 4 5 6 Warehouse
40 80 6 6 7 West Silo
40 80 6 6 7 East Silo
56 112 6 6 6 9 Center Silo (Foreman)
Factory Runs and Merit Values
Front Elevator
Reg Inv Cogs Rooms
--- --- ---- ---------------------------------------------------------
240 480 20 Lobby, Gear, Warehouse, Silos
236 472 20 Lobby, Boiler, Warehouse, Silos
272 544 23 Lobby, Gear, Boiler, Warehouse, Silos
300 600 26 Lobby, Gear, Boiler, Pipe, Silos (1 set in pipe room)
328 656 29 Lobby, Gear, Boiler, Pipe, Silos (both sets in pipe room)
360 720 32 Lobby, Gear, Boiler, Pipe, Oil Room, Silos
388 776 35 Lobby, Gear, Boiler, Pipe, Duct, Oil, Silos (All cogs)
Side Elevator
Reg Inv Cogs Rooms (*=recommended runs)
--- --- ---- ------------------------------------------------------------
232 464 20 Duct, Pipe, Warehouse, Silos (Only 1 set in pipe room)
260 520 * 23 Duct, Pipe, Warehouse, Silos (Both sets in pipe room)
292 584 26 Duct, Pipe, Oil, Warehouse, Silos
292 584 * 26 Duct, Pipe, Boiler, Warehouse, Silos
324 648 29 Duct, Pipe, Oil, Boiler, Warehouse, Silos
328 656 29 Duct, Pipe, Boiler, Gear, Warehouse, Silos
360 720 32 Duct, Pipe, Oil, Boiler, Gear, Warehouse, Silos
356 712 32 Duct, Pipe, Boiler, Lobby, Gear, Warehouse, Silos
388 776 35 Duct, Pipe, Oil, Boiler, Lobby, Gear, Warehouse, Silos (All)
Runs to use for needed merits
Merits Runs Merits Runs
------ -------------------- ------ ----------------------------------
* 928 464x2 2152 584x2 + 520 + 464
1040 520x2 * 2336 584x4 (for 2360, will be 24 short)
* 1104 584 + 520 2368 584x2 + 600x2
1392 464x2 2400 600x4
1520 584 + 472 + 464 2400 600x2 + 544x2
* 1560 520x3 * 2600 520x5
* 1752 584x3 3440 584x5 + 520
1968 520x2 + 464x2 * 3504 584x6
* 2080 520x4 3640 520x7
2144 584 + 520x3 * 5520 584x5 + 520x5
A note on the recommended runs - The reason I marked those is based either on simplicity (same route each time) or quickness (no more than 2 different routes to follow). You may notice that for the Mr. Hollywood 2360 merit runs, I recommend getting 2336, shorting you by 24 merits. This is only because it's easier to remember and to get the other 24 in a 2 story building.
I know, it looks confusing but this should help. Look at how many merits you need for your next promotion. Now, find the next highest number of merits (if there isn't an exact match). If you need 1100 for example, you'd follow the runs listed for 1104. You see that tells you to go on one run of 520 merits and one for 584 merits. Refer to above to see which rooms you would need to go to.
If you need more than 776 merits but less than 928, then I recommend just using following the 928. If you need 776 or fewer merits, then just look for the single run that matches what you need. If you need less than 200 merits, you might consider doing a building or two.
When it comes down to it, when you're not sure, do the 520 OR 584 runs listed above. They're quick and often the most efficient.
Unless there is someone in the group who cannot use the side elevator, I always recommend using the side elevator for all runs.
Some people insist on doing full factory runs, believing that they can get more merits in a shorter period of time. However, to do a full factory takes a minimum of 20 minutes, and in 20 minutes you can either earn 776 merits (full factory run) or you can earn 1040 merits (2x520). The only way to get more merits in the same time doing a full factory is if you can do the entire factory and start dancing in 16 minutes or less. Here's why: If you take 11 minutes to do a 520 run, you are earning a little over 47 merits/minute. In a full run, 776 merits total with an average of 48 merits per minute is 16.17 minutes. This gives you little to no time to fall behind. Simply put, you actually have more breathing room doing multiple 520 runs than you do with a single 776 run.
Solo'ing Factory
First let me say that even the best of players can go sad when trying to solo the factory. Sometimes it comes down to pure luck despite what the player does. So if you try and go sad or feel you won't make it, don't feel bad. It's still a learning experience. This small Solo guide isn't "one size fits all", it's just to give an idea on one way to do it. You can always have a friend tag along to watch and talk to, with them not joining any battles unless you ask for help. That way if you are having problems, they can save your toon behind.
- 3 - Fog (at least 42 damage)
- 3 each - Cake/Storm. One must do at least 74 damage and the other at least 56 damage.
- 7 each whole cream pie/hose
- 3 goggles, 7 magnets, 3 $10's.
- Guts
Go in through the side elevator.
- Duct Room - FOG the critters (no gag points obtained)
Step on the switch and head out door to Stomper Alley. There is a toonup barrel for +5 here if you should happen to need it at any time. All you have to do is push the crate to the corner and hit the ice cream barrel. Go to the Pipe Room. - Pipe Room - FOG the critters (both sets)
After you do both sets of cogs, continue out the door opposite the way you came in. You will be outside on the catwalk. Take the first left, up the steps then into the door on the right. - Warehouse - When you are about to go through the doorway under the cogs, enter on the extreme left. This will tag the level 5 cog.
- Goggles to lure
- Use hose on both 4's and the 5.
- Cream pie the 6.
- East/West Silos
Always try to see which is the level 7 cog and always try to engage a level 6 cog.- Magnet
- Cream pie cog on right (should be a 6, will get knocked back and die)
- Cake or Storm (weaker of the 2) on the 7.
- Cream pie remaining cog.
- Center Silo
- Goggles
- Cream Pie cog on right.
- Save 1 of your strongest gag (cake or storm), but use the other cakes and storms to get rid of the other level 6 cogs.
- Use your strongest gag on the 9. It should jump back and die from the bonus damage.
If you should happen to need a toonup, remember the +5 in Stomper Alley. If you feel daring enough, you can go past the stompers, through the door, to the left past the lava for another +10 barrel, beans (50 total) and restocks (squirt, sound). Also, if you go out the other side of the warehouse, past the goons and take the door on the left, there is a paint mixer room with some beans and gag ups on the other side (35 beans with hose, cream pie, lipstick and feather).
Hope this helps with a solo run for you.
Technical stuff...
How merits are calculated:
Add the cog values, then add 1 each odd level cog. Multiply that result by 2 for non invasion merits or multiply by 4 for invasion merits.
Example, in the Lobby, you have 3 3 and 5. Added up, that is 11. There are 3 odd numbered cogs, bringing the total to 14. If you plan to dance during an invasion, you multiply the 14 by 4, giving you 56 merits.
For the mathematically inclined, it's (sum of cogs values + number of odd leveled cogs) * 4.
Despite how great the 520 run is, it's not always the best option. Sometimes you may need one more set of cogs (584 merits) or one set less (464). So it's best to know the different runs you'll need before you go in. It can be difficult sometimes to figure out the ideal set of runs but here's one method to follow to help you determine what you will need.
Total merits needed ÷ 776 (full run)
Total merits needed ÷ 464 (minimum run)
The full run will tell you the very minimum number of runs you'll need. The 'minimum' tells you how many maximum runs you may need. The number you want should be somewhere inbetween these two values.
Let's use 5500 (Hollywood merits) as an example.
5500÷776=7.09, which means 7 runs and then a few more merits.
5500÷464=11.85, which is 11 (closer to 12) runs.
So the number of runs you need is between 7 and 12. Let's now look at how many per run you'd need, based on how many runs you do.
Runs Merits Total Merits +/-
---- ------ ------------ ---
7 786 (785.71) 7x776=5432 -64
8 688 (687.50) 8x688=5504 + 4
9 611 (611.11) 9x611=5499 - 1
10 550 (550.00) 10x550=5500
11 500 (500.00) 11x500=5500
12 458 (458.33) 12x458=5496 - 4
The closest thing to a 688 is 656, which would yield 5248 merits, shorting us 252 merits. However if we do 720 runs, we get 5760 merits, which is an excess of 260. You *could* do 7x720 and then 1x464, but then that can be confusing to remember 1 odd run. Also, if you're going to do a 720, you may as well make it 776.
Using the same idea with 611, the closest is 600 which would short you 100 merits. If you do the next one up (648), you get 5832. You could try 8x648, but then you'd need 316 more merits at the end.
Looking at the 10 runs, you would get 5200 with 520 runs or 5840 with 584 runs. But look at this. If you do a run for 520 and a run for 584, you get 1104 merits, and 5500÷1100 is 5. This means that if you do 5x520 and 5x584, then you'll get 1104x5 which is 5520 merits.
Now 11 at 500 each, the closest is 480 or 520. That means between 5280 merits (11x480) and 5720 merits (11x520). You *could* do 5x520 (2600) and 5x480 (2400), but then you are jumping between front and side elevators, which can be a pain.
Finally the 12 run solution. The minimum run is 464, giving you 5568 merits if you do 12 runs.
EDIT LOG times are eastern. Some updates may not be in the edit log.
2008-11-05@14:28 'Trish' update.
2008-11-06@14:58 Added my Solo method. Added factory map by unknown.