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Self Doubt...

EM Fiorella

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Maya sat in a chair holding a book, staring at herself in the mirror. The ink and quill on the table had yet to meet the pages of the book though.

Since her ordeal with the professor she hadn't felt right. She didn't look right. Something about her was a miss.

Gorn was constantly reminding her she would get better soon and that Sosaria's top scientists were working around the clock to get a true cure to rid her of Jenkin's damaging potions. She knew he meant well, but couldn't help being annoyed by his constant chatter.

The healers recommended she write her feelings in a journal. The scientists encouraged her to get back in a lab, hoping perhaps her working would get her mind back on track. The queen had ordered a room near the castle entrance to be converted into a lab for Maya. She has yet to visit it though. She was still afraid to wander far. Though she had visited the city of Luna for a brief time to get some air. She spoke with a few citizens and thanked them for their services defeating Professor Jenkins. It had made her uncomfortable though, as if she didn't feel right in the head. So she went back to her room where she had stayed mostly since.

Maya looked at the book and turned towards the table. She placed the book on the table and opened it for the first time. She glanced at the quill and slowly reached her hand for it. So many thoughts running through her mind she wondered where to begin. She glanced at the dead plant in the floor and found a thought to begin with....