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Selective gifting



I have an account that is due to recieve a tree. I just checked in AV and BF and I recieved the trees there but I didn't get one in TC3. Other people got their anniversary gifts in TC3, why didn't I? Who do I report this to OTHER than the bug board which no one ever reads?


TC3 gifts have been turned off.

Then they need to take back the ones they already gave out or give us ours. I am so sick of getting screwed by this game.


TC3 players will still get their gifts if they are due them when we are all reissued our gifts.


They have been turned off for safer and no more than 1 redistrubing due (possibly) multiple sims. I mean look, 3 trees in one day for free on one account?


meggars you are completely right, and why in the world would someone think something was wrong with giving meggars what she is due? If you pay for an account, one sim in each city should get the tree as it's always been done.

(and redistribution is ridiculous becuz those that sold or gave away their trees would get another one, making it COMPLETELY unfair to those that bought one or received one from a friend)



They have been turned off for safer and no more than 1 redistrubing due (possibly) multiple sims. I mean look, 3 trees in one day for free on one account?

[/ QUOTE ]

I mean yes TSO has ALWAYS delivered 3 trees per ac**** for FREE, they are gifts afterall, and have done this to literally tens of thousands of sims yearly. Nothing about being safer by doing it another way has ever been said. Gift delivery has been off in BV and now TC3. Hopefully one day they can figure which accounts didn't receive them, but should have and possibly give them out appropriately. I was lucky and had an account get a tree in TC3 before they stopped it.


The gifts in TC3 were turned off for one reason. In TC3 you can have up to six sims on one account. If the system still worked the way it did, you would get 6 trees in tc3 and that's not fair to anyone. This is why you get them in the production cities and not in TC3. But they(devs) have said at some point there will be a redistribution of gifts at some point.

Keep It Real

Hmmm....seems like gifts could be delivered to the oldest TC3 sim on each account just like the weekly bonus is given to the oldest TC3 sim. I really don't think people are expecting 6 gifts in TC3, but who knows............


That might even be the plan, eventually....since the bonus delivery program came long *after* the point, where they turned off the anniversary gifts in TC3...


Well, then if we can't receive gifts in TC3, then I want my third production city slot back. (Are they even working on that, still?) The people who deleted a sim in a production city are helping out the game by testing out the new features, reporting bugs, etc - we should not be reprimanded the necessities in the game. In EA-Land, I want three sims, not two. I also want all three of my trees in EA-Land, not two. If they think I'm going to delete my third slot (TC3) yet again, they're mistaken. Not all of us can turn our sim 2,000 days old, have max locks, and a gallery of rare objects overnight.


Okay, they have stated there will be a regifting, but I seem to remember something along the lines of it will come after EALand opens. I think.


Exactly. That means it will only come to two of my sims, because I only have two slots for my production cities. The third one contains my first TC3 sim, which to my knowledge, they were supposed to fix. Apparently not. I'm really starting to get aggravated. Anytime I ask a dev a question, I'm ignored. I think I have a right just as any to get BASIC information. It seems there's a lot of "selection" going on lately.

Keep It Real


That might even be the plan, eventually....since the bonus delivery program came long *after* the point, where they turned off the anniversary gifts in TC3...

[/ QUOTE ]

Something official would be nice. I know the team is busy an all but still. If thats the plan, lets hear it from TPTB.

Tristan Lewis


Keep It Real

Getting to be a long list of bugs I bet. I'm sure it will all come out in the wash.....



The gifts in TC3 were turned off for one reason. In TC3 you can have up to six sims on one account. If the system still worked the way it did, you would get 6 trees in tc3 and that's not fair to anyone. This is why you get them in the production cities and not in TC3. But they(devs) have said at some point there will be a redistribution of gifts at some point.

[/ QUOTE ]

We understand this, but some did get on all the accounts so to be fair to everybody, are the extras that have been given already being taking back? Then another problem arises is when a player had an account in TC3 already and one in TC till merge, now the TC3 account is no longer the primary account since it was created after the tc account so is the younger of the 2... they miss out on gettin the tree that was due them.



The gifts in TC3 were turned off for one reason. In TC3 you can have up to six sims on one account. If the system still worked the way it did, you would get 6 trees in tc3 and that's not fair to anyone. This is why you get them in the production cities and not in TC3. But they(devs) have said at some point there will be a redistribution of gifts at some point.

[/ QUOTE ]
If it's the same for everyone, how is it unfair? You can't take the stuff out of TC3.



We understand this, but some did get on all the accounts so to be fair to everybody, are the extras that have been given already being taking back?

[/ QUOTE ]

I swear some people never cease to amaze me. What if you were one of the accounts that received your tree before they cut it off, would you be ok with having them taken away? No, you wouldn't. In fact you would be right here complaining about how unfair it is and how EA is out to screw you over.


On top of that, it's not my problem they gave us six sims to play with in TC3. I don't think the ability to have 6 sims was even requested. So if they give us a feature like that, they better think in advance how it's going to affect the game. I don't think the dev team has heard of the word "chronological."




We understand this, but some did get on all the accounts so to be fair to everybody, are the extras that have been given already being taking back?

[/ QUOTE ]

I swear some people never cease to amaze me. What if you were one of the accounts that received your tree before they cut it off, would you be ok with having them taken away? No, you wouldn't. In fact you would be right here complaining about how unfair it is and how EA is out to screw you over.

[/ QUOTE ]

As a matter of fact I am one who DID NOT get their tree. And yes maybe they should be taken away. (I really don't care one way or the other there) if they received a tree in 2 production cities and up to 6 in TC3. AS to put it back on you are YOU one of the ones who received 2, 3, 4, 5 or possible 6 trees in TC3 for one account? is that why you feel the need to insult? But since you don't know me at all, you don't know I'm the type of person who would have called ea to inform them I received too many "gifts" just like never doing a "free trial" account for tc3 but paying for a new account from EA. So don't throw out an accusation unless you know the facts. And just for your information, I am one who's account is pushed to the second sim therefore not receiving a tree on one which was entitled to receive since my tc sim pushed my tc3 into the second slot. I have ACCEPTED this and just stating a FACT not making a complaint. So you want to attack my post please feel free to, maybe will take the attack off other individuals.


Hmmm....seems like gifts could be delivered to the oldest TC3 sim on each account just like the weekly bonus is given to the oldest TC3 sim. I really don't think people are expecting 6 gifts in TC3, but who knows............

Exactly. I don't know about anyone else but I for one am tired of being played for an idiot.


On top of that, it's not my problem they gave us six sims to play with in TC3. I don't think the ability to have 6 sims was even requested. So if they give us a feature like that, they better think in advance how it's going to affect the game. I don't think the dev team has heard of the word "chronological."

What's even worse is now that TC has merged with TC3 all of us who founded TC3 and got it going have been kicked to the curb and delegated "newbie" status. All I have are 28 locks in TC3 and most of the ones who came over in the merge have anywhere from 60-100 locks. This needs to be corrected as well, or at least offer us some KY next time ya'll want us to help you out.



Hmmm....seems like gifts could be delivered to the oldest TC3 sim on each account just like the weekly bonus is given to the oldest TC3 sim. I really don't think people are expecting 6 gifts in TC3, but who knows............

Exactly. I don't know about anyone else but I for one am tired of being played for an idiot.

[/ QUOTE ]
I somehow doubt that EA turned off gifts in TC3 just to make you feel like an idiot. You did get 2 trees did you not? You DID choose to make a sim in TC3 instead of another production city? That was you correct?

The link that was posted higher up in the thread was made in the middle of November and clearly stated that gifts were not being given in TC3 so people have had time to move sims if they wanted all 3 trees at the same time.

It does suck, but at this point I think your only choice is to wait and hope for the regifting/fix in TC3. I would think that someone who has played TSO for at least 3 years should know that gifts are not a guarantee.


The link that was posted higher up in the thread was made in the middle of November and clearly stated that gifts were not being given in TC3 so people have had time to move sims if they wanted all 3 trees at the same time.

Yes, they said that in NOVEMBER. I deleted my 3rd accounts to move into TC on opening day. That was long before november.


Seriously, what's the problem. TC3 is a test city, which means if they felt they had to, they could wipe all sims in the city. It is a test city, which means things may fail and things could go haywire. That is the point. Nothing is permanent in a test city.



Hmmm....seems like gifts could be delivered to the oldest TC3 sim on each account just like the weekly bonus is given to the oldest TC3 sim. I really don't think people are expecting 6 gifts in TC3, but who knows............

[/ QUOTE ]

Or atleast we should choose the Head Sim for that city and then all the gifts go to that sims.



On top of that, it's not my problem they gave us six sims to play with in TC3. I don't think the ability to have 6 sims was even requested. So if they give us a feature like that, they better think in advance how it's going to affect the game. I don't think the dev team has heard of the word "chronological."

What's even worse is now that TC has merged with TC3 all of us who founded TC3 and got it going have been kicked to the curb and delegated "newbie" status. All I have are 28 locks in TC3 and most of the ones who came over in the merge have anywhere from 60-100 locks. This needs to be corrected as well, or at least offer us some KY next time ya'll want us to help you out.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yep. I wonder if they're still planning on making skill locks based upon account age. So far they've gotten the account age part down, so I imagine it can't be that hard to make the next step?

And yes, it IS a test center. Well aware of that. But, we're the ones who are testing everything for EA's new game. Technically, we shouldn't even be paying to be testing here, because it *IS* a new game. It's not "new and improved." They're doing so sneakily in a way that they can still charge us by having production cities as an option. Moving past all that, they should if not reward us, at least give us the same commodities as other players.



And yes, it IS a test center. Well aware of that. But, we're the ones who are testing everything for EA's new game. Technically, we shouldn't even be paying to be testing here, because it *IS* a new game. It's not "new and improved." They're doing so sneakily in a way that they can still charge us by having production cities as an option. Moving past all that, they should if not reward us, at least give us the same commodities as other players.

[/ QUOTE ]

Bolded for truth.


When I was little and would cry "no fair" I would get told "Life isn't always fair"

So I grew up and stopped crying about it.

Test City blah blah blah... working out bugs blah blah blah... you know how it goes.

If the city gets wiped will everyone demand that everything get replaced?


TC3 is a test city. Meaning it's an area where they have bugs and issues to work out before EAland goes live to the public. So people playing their have to realize that there will be inconveniences sometimes.

However, we have been reassured that we will indeed received all the items that we had been entitled to.

Parizad stated the other night that they have a lot of things planned for 'post-merge' for us.

She said they have so much stuff to throw at us we will be screaming for them to STOP!!!

Kinda makes me grin a bit wondering what it is...you know she's not going to tell us no matter how much we beg and plead for hints. lol

BTW...I didn't receive campfires on a couple of mine. But I didn't miss them either. The game is more then a campfire and if a missing campfire is going to tick me off so bad, then I would have to wonder why I'm playing the game anyway.