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Seems a Little Harsh...Chapter II



So I am at 95.5 Taming and I Tame my first, single, solitary Bull and get 85.6 Taming & gain 0.1 to 109.0 in Lore...GGS gains. So I Poceed to Tame 60 more Bulls and 78 Gaman and guess how many points I gain??? I gain 0.1 in Taming, 0.6 in Animal Lore and 0.4 in Vet. What the fugg is with Taming??? Everything else gains big-time???


taming is a skill that takes a lot longer to gain then swords or tactics for exsample.
And if you dont just want to get your daily GGs expect to spend a lot of time taming.
Once i got over 110 taming i just got my GGses because it just took to long to get regula gains any other way.


Give us alacrity power scrolls from Ilshenar and Tokuno spawns!


Taming is a royal pain to train.
Skillgain is 'broken' and going for fun or ggs gains the best.

imported_Lord Kynd

taming has always been one of the slowest and hardest skills to GM, but it did get alot easier than it use to be.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

taming has always been one of the slowest and hardest skills to GM, but it did get alot easier than it use to be.

[/ QUOTE ]

Umm, you must not have been around way back when, when you could simply tame release then retame the same rabbit, in the comfort of your home, all the way to GM.

imported_Barney Rubble

Tame Cu's if need to use jewelry to get so you can tame them but i gain very nicely taming those and my real skill is 93ish.


This is one thing that I find fair in game. Taming should take forever and a day to train. If you consider what you are getting to in a nut shell "fight for you".

In my experiences taming is by far the easiest way to fight. Seriously, a warrior has to worry about badaging himself, his/her mana levels, stamina levels, etc. All I do when I use my tamer is bandage the runebug or whatever I am using with an occasional heal spell in serious emergencies. Which might I add are few and far between. All this while wearing a 1400+ luck 100 lrc suit as to get the best loot possible off of whatever I am fighting.

If you were hoping to get support for a taming change in this game, I unfortunately can not jump on the bandwagon. Taming should be hard and time consuming as it was for all of us that have spent the days upon days getting our .1's. Corection..months upon months..


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Taming has and always will be one of the skills that takes a long time to train, took my Vixen 3 years to gm and that was before GGS.

This has been discussed many times by tamers and would be tamers, there is nothing really between a drake and dragon for gains, well not sure about these days as it has been about 5 years since she was sub gm level. what we need is a couple of creatures to slot in about 86-90 skill for gains, instead of having to rely on bulls etc.


A fun way to gain at high levels.
Best with some quests maybe or something, as at high levels taming gets really tedious.