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Seeking Unicorn advice

Grace of Minoc

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I have read a few comments here and there were folks really love their unicorns. Saw only a couple people
posting what they actually did to theirs to make them so happy.

Missed the mark on many a pet, but do have a couple good ones. By only adding the frenzy whirlwind to my
PP nightmare and giving all 115 scrolls save the single 120 ninjitsu am most happy with.

Thinking keep original magery on the Unicorn and only add one thing, armor ignore?.
So far armor ignore seems the ideal. But is doing that what makes folks praise the Unicorn?
Or something else entirely?

I did that setup on a PP white wyrm and was not very impressed. But then again you can't ride a white wyrm and it does not have the poison immunity.

And I don't think I have ever seen a pet drain mana so fast as the white wyrm with AI. er, besides the reptalon with only mystic added.

Thanks much for any insight!


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Unicorns need more points. But, if they are like Ki-Rins, I like mine with AI and Mortal. They just need about 1000 more points and you would see a bunch of them.

They also are slow Mana regenerators.

Grace of Minoc

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Unicorns need more points. But, if they are like Ki-Rins, I like mine with AI and Mortal. They just need about 1000 more points and you would see a bunch of them.

They also are slow Mana regenerators.
Thank you for your reply. Mortal is not on any pet I have. Will chew on that.