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[Discussion] Seeking some assistance from Rares Collectors


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
I've been doing a lot of work behind the scenes on UOHomeDecor and one of the things I'd like to add is a "true rares" database of sorts.

I'm looking for a couple things to compile this, but as I don't have a lot of time to travel shards, find the stuff, etc, I'm hoping some of our avid rares collectors can give some input on these things.

What I'm looking for would be:

Name of item, an image(s), how the item was acquired, known history of being cloned and any history behind the item (ie. unique to a shard, etc.)

I'm doing several other databases as well, but the rares one will be the hardest one for me to personally complete. Any assistance will be greatly appreciated.