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Second generation Cocoa Tree plants



I'm just wondering.... what will the results be after planting and crossing when the seed changes it name to "cocoa tree seed", rather then the first seed which is named "fragrant".

Maybe future generations will have a chance at getting a black or white mutant cocoa tree :) ?


Unless I'm mistaken, I don't think you can gather pollen from a Cocoa tree. I'm at work right now so I can't test this. I have some second generation trees at stage 9 with 2 or 3 seeds on them currently, but basically, if you polinate with anything but a Cocoa tree, I don't think you will get a Cocoa tree, and if you can't get Cocoa pollen, then no way to get white or black... or am I mising something?


So the second generation cocoa seeds...after they have grown into a tree, do not produce the pollen either?


I have one of those lovely blue bulrushes plants, but it was pollenated before I received it. It produces blue seeds as well.
How interesting would a blue cocoa tree be? lol
