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Searchable Pet Database


Stratics Veteran
Hi All,

We just released a new feature to our website called Pet Search.

The Pet Search feature allows you to specify criteria to get a list of pets from our database that matches that criteria. You can read our detailed write-up of the feature here: New Feature: Pet Search

This search is designed to help you find pets based on what you abilities you want to train, or if you are looking for a pet for certain content (resists, damage type, etc.). Or to just expand your knowledge of the variety of pets out there.

To get started, enter your search criteria on the initial form:

Search Results will be displayed if there are matches:

The default search results will show basic pet information, including slots, damage spread, and min/max trainable intensity. They also provide a link to view the pet in the Bestiary for full details.

The damage spread cells are colored with the matching damage type if their value is over 0 (meaning they do damage in that type).

If you use any of the options in the "Overcapped Stats/Skills" section, the results table will change to show the columns for those items searched:

A full description of all the search options can be found here: New Feature: Pet Search


The quality of the work you guys put into both gathering data through research/testing *and* organizing that data into such a user-friendly format is absolutely exceptional.

When the aesthetics and the intuitive layout (read:easy to navigate, lol) of a fan-site (difficult to use that word in this case) so far surpasses anything official, you know you have dedicated players with a love for the game... And thankfully are equally passionate about sharing!!


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You can put something like 5 slot AI/Chiv.

Look up the Mobs resistance you want to fight. Pick the lowest two.

Then set those 2 damages at 10 and get the things that do both of those damages and it shows you the damage spread of the pets that fit.

Most of the bosses and high HP Mobs have enough overlap that there are no 2 guaranteed lowest but you can take a pet that fits well.

If you do single damage AI/Chiv the Drakes always win unless it is physical.

I just wish more abilities did damage near AI. Then we could look up some interesting things.
Tsuki Wolf can get a lot of combos.

Hiryu can get disarm and dismount with AI. (slashing) I guess the pet AI is not "smart enough" to do those at the right time for PvP.