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[Selling] Scythe :Splintering 15% HSL 50% HLL 87% Battle Lust HCI 15% Located On Great Lakes


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Battle Lust is an item property found on certain weapons. A successful hit with such a weapon initiates a damage increase that is modified by several factors.
Significant damage received from opponents will be added to the attacker’s Battle Lust, causing them to do more damage to all opponents the attacker engages. This damage bonus is further modified by how many opponents the attacker is aggressed against.
The damage bonus is 15% per opponent, with a cap of 45% in PVP and 90% in PVE. Battle Lust is gained every two seconds and decays at a rate of one point every six seconds.

Special Moves are : Bleed Attack and Paralyzing Blow
Taking Offers
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