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Scriptor on the move!


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Our most hated operation just shut down in Heartwood on Sonoma 2 mins ago. This means he's moving to another shard for a few mins... be on the look out and go get yourself 20k free boards. :)


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Forget about the boards, log on your thief characters and hope the scripter gets some nice fletcher kits. Then take them for yourselves. :danceb:


What is the most effective way to kill these AFK bots?


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The way I would kill them is to block the entrance to Heartwood when they leave to dump their loot. That leaves them standing in front since I don't think the script tells them to move objects blocking them. And since Yew has no guard zone at the moment you are free to have at them!

As for killing them in Heartwood...no idea. I would instead suggest killing their pets since it's as easy as a simple combo or strong poison. That and it's a lot easier than killing the player usually :p

The Fallout

One of my fave scriptors on cats gets me nice recipies, I have yet to see him get any runics (when im snooping him) so I can only hope LOL Stealing from scriptors is fun! lol


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Think maybe they have a separate bag hidden on them where they put the runics?

I know the scripters I run into typically just have one bag for all the special loot but maybe they are adapting...

The Fallout

Think maybe they have a separate bag hidden on them where they put the runics?

I know the scripters I run into typically just have one bag for all the special loot but maybe they are adapting...
Believe me, I have all their bags open lol Everytime I hear the quest complete sound I see an item appear.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hehehe, nice :D
Here's to hoping you get a damn good runic! :beer:


Nice! Now you've planned my evening (possibly weekend) for me.. hehehe


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I love the hypocrisy around here. There's X amount of threads which complain about scripters ruining the game economy by flooding it with runic tools. Then there's Y amount of threads where people steal/encourage to steal the scripter's runics.

If you complain about scripting surely you will trash the runics you manage to steal? ;)


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If you complain about scripting surely you will trash the runics you manage to steal?
lol.. AHAAA!! But you forget that if they are Stolen from the scripter before they make it to a luna vendor house than I would go so far as to say that they aren't "scripted" runics, but stolen ones....heh

Xalan Dementia

Slightly Crazed
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Stratics Legend
i used the first heartwood runic fletch kit i got off a dead scripter, after that i put them all in the trash barrel. Ive got all the good bows my archer needs and i dont feel like trying to sell the kit for a measly 3m-5m. As for killing in heartwood? if they arent wearing any armor, the poisoned shuriken works, if they are armored, get a mage and run and dump explosion spell on them, if your fast enough you can escape the guard range. blocking the exit/entrance works good if you have a scripter that dont have the script that allows them to walk over objects (pvpers use it in faction headquarters to walk over candelabras etc.) after youve had your fun with the scripter be sure to report him for unattended macro/scripting.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
He does it in Felucca?

Interesting. So much for Felucca and its rules being an antidote to scripting.

Everyone who's going after him, good luck.

-Galen's player


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
i used the first heartwood runic fletch kit i got off a dead scripter, after that i put them all in the trash barrel. Ive got all the good bows my archer needs and i dont feel like trying to sell the kit for a measly 3m-5m. As for killing in heartwood? if they arent wearing any armor, the poisoned shuriken works, if they are armored, get a mage and run and dump explosion spell on them, if your fast enough you can escape the guard range. blocking the exit/entrance works good if you have a scripter that dont have the script that allows them to walk over objects (pvpers use it in faction headquarters to walk over candelabras etc.) after youve had your fun with the scripter be sure to report him for unattended macro/scripting.
You threw away a Heartwood kit?


You know a lot of us work in heart a lot now. NO ONE is getting 4 a day average. I don't know anyone on atl that got 4 in any day. I did get 3 a couple of times in a day, but most days its 0. I also remember the time when it was 500k to a million wood for one so I'm going to get this while the getting is good, and keep them. Who cares if crazy people will sell them for 4 million?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I haven't seen this guy working, but I did manage to grab a couple of ash and yews and one heartwood from two zombies a couple of days ago thanks to Poo's original thread. They were not back on yesterday when i checked.

I agree with Poo on his philosophy about Fel and scriptors. I don't page on them because at least there is some risk involved. When I am around, that risk can be pretty high.


UOEC Modder
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
for who like to kick some scripter I suggest to take a look in the Jelhom trammel bank on europa, you will be fun there ;)
In the last 2 months I saw 1 miner and 1 lumberjacker 24/24 7/7 always there :D
and many other random afk macroer... it looks like the capital of afking XD