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Scrapping (regular) Capture the Fort events

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Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hello, I have decided to scrap the (not so) monthly Capture The Fort PvP event. I have came to the decision that doing the same format of event every month is not going to work out well. However, this is not a negative. It only means that we will do other types of PvP events on a more regular basis. Perhaps, as soon as in a week.

The house friend list will be cleared and the gates will be thrown open. Thank you for supporting it while it lasted!


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Thanks Elder EM Seppo for giving it a fair shot. We know it isn't easy to do Fel PvP events that end up with lots of complaints, whether they are justified or not. You gave it your all and we appreciate the effort and attention.

Looking forward to whatever you have planned next for Baja, whether it's in Fel or not!


Well now sonny, since yer gonna be scrappin' it..I think that old tower would make a fitting retirement home fer the old age pensioners and aged of Baja. I'll trade ya a barrel o' my homemade specialty codliver oil fer it.


However, this is not a negative. It only means that we will do other types of PvP events on a more regular basis. Perhaps, as soon as in a week.
I like where this went, especially with so many frequent fel located events recently... Oh wait.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You are correct. I have definitely not done as many Fel events recently as I used to do in the past. Actually, none since Halloween if memory servers right. I do apologize for it.

However, I have to state that every single Fel event I have done in the past has been followed by some sort of drama and accusations of favoritism. In fact, it is not uncommon to have complaints from two opposing sides accusing me of favoring the other during the same event.

It is not that I get terribly annoyed by this, but it requires spending a lot of time staying on top of it. But, putting that aside, we will have a Fel meet up in the coming days to try and give it another shot.


Well, people look at it like this:
In the past events the only way anyone has gotten any items in the fel events, is by killing JINX's alts or close guild members. And upon investigation of event matters, JINX is always the first person into any event related places (riddle rooms and the such). Now I understand he is a very in-game wealthy player, and that he has attained a lot of his wealth via his wit and cleverness. However when someone runs into an event last second, without being around for any of the precursor spiel and hints required to fabricate plausible answers to riddles, and "guesses" the correct answer that teleports them to the event room, where they get first dibs on anything in there, on their first try, every time. It begins to kick flags and raise suspicion.

Then you take other EMs, such as Godiva, where players other then JINX and his alts and close guildmembers attain overly rare and unique items, leaving JINX and the such in the dust crying about the "unfairness".

These are the things that lead to such nepotism related suspicions. And are only a couple examples of many such "coincidences".

A person once told me, that coincidences can only happen so often and that eventually the truth behind a matter comes out. All it takes is someone to sit back, watch and put the pieces together.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You have no idea what you are talking about.

None. Whatsoever.

But, I forgive you. Be well.


You have no idea what you are talking about.

None. Whatsoever.

But, I forgive you. Be well.
Nay-say against factual claims with multi-witness reports. Most excellent argument, sir, most excellent indeed.


Caretaker of Sudiva
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well, people look at it like this:
In the past events the only way anyone has gotten any items in the fel events, is by killing JINX's alts or close guild members. And upon investigation of event matters, JINX is always the first person into any event related places (riddle rooms and the such). Now I understand he is a very in-game wealthy player, and that he has attained a lot of his wealth via his wit and cleverness. However when someone runs into an event last second, without being around for any of the precursor spiel and hints required to fabricate plausible answers to riddles, and "guesses" the correct answer that teleports them to the event room, where they get first dibs on anything in there, on their first try, every time. It begins to kick flags and raise suspicion.
Then you take other EMs, such as Godiva, where players other then JINX and his alts and close guildmembers attain overly rare and unique items, leaving JINX and the such in the dust crying about the "unfairness".
These are the things that lead to such nepotism related suspicions. And are only a couple examples of many such "coincidences".
A person once told me, that coincidences can only happen so often and that eventually the truth behind a matter comes out. All it takes is someone to sit back, watch and put the pieces together.

EM events are not inscrutable. They are innately limited by the game mechanics. A sufficiently experienced and savvy player can learn their way around them, figure out how they work, and maximise their chances of getting a reward, totally without input from the EMs.

In the years I've been playing Baja, Jinx has been at every single event I've attended. I've watched him, and solved puzzles with him on occasion. Do you want to know his secret? He pays attention. When everybody else is running around getting killed and asking inane questions, he devotes himself to figuring out the puzzle. He kills spawned mobs, spams oracles, goes through rapidfire trial-and-error to solve teleport puzzles, does all the things that any clever player would do if they'd just pay some attention to event mechanics rather than spending the whole event screaming for items to be given to them. That's how you win at events. You pay attention.

And for what it's worth, I've seen him attend events run by five seperate EMs, and he's won them all. There is no nepotism here. He is simply good at what he does. Is that unfair? Maybe, but we can't all be equal. Is it Seppo's fault? No.

Also, getting into an event room first doesn't guarantee you "first dibs" on anything. Maybe it does on other shards, but on Baja, I've never attended an event where the first people to get into a room won something that the others didn't. If there's a vendor, everybody gets the same item. If there's a final monster, it's based on damage and everybody has to attack at once so getting there first is irrelevant. The vast majority of Baja EM events aren't a race. They're spread out over several days specifically to cater to different people and timezones, because that's how a good EM handles things. Just because Jinx solves a riddle faster than you do doesn't mean that he gets something you don't. Your chances of getting a random drop are the same. The only difference is that he knows where to look and you don't.

In short, don't blame the EMs because you don't understand eventing.

EM Godiva

Stratics Veteran
I generally choose not to engage in debates on Stratics, for various reasons, but I have decided to make an exception in this case.

Many of the incidents in question happened before I was hired as an Event Moderator, so I cannot say with any certainty what did or did not occur. However, I would like to share a handful of rumors regarding so-called favoritism that we have been accused of...all of which were completely without merit.

* Elder EM Seppo is a former Cartel Member. (Seriously?)

* Elder EM Seppo hates Felucca because he never hosts events there. (He hates Felucca? That must have made it awkward being a Cartel member.)

* EM Godiva and Elder EM Seppo helped [insert player] receive an event item. (Once an item leaves our virtual hands, we have zero control over it.)

* EM Godiva and Elder EM Seppo show blatant favoritism to Cartel by having events in Felucca and they refuse to stop Cartel from killing everyone. (Wait, I thought we never had events in Felucca?)

* EM Godiva and Elder EM Seppo allow Baja rewards to be transferred off-shard. (*sends a request to Mesanna asking that character transfers be removed from the game completely in order to keep all Baja rewards on Baja*)

* EM Godiva helps Cartel during PvP. (My general strategy when I get attacked is to run and hide. If Cartel ever starts doing that, feel free to chastise me. Although, I suppose my leet powers of pwnage are not much of a secret now.)

* EM Godiva joins player guilds on her RPCs (For the record, I have exactly ONE character on Baja and that is “EM Godiva”. I manually change her name every single time I turn into an RPC and the only guild I am in or have ever been in is the EM guild.)


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well, people look at it like this:
In the past events the only way anyone has gotten any items in the fel events, is by killing JINX's alts or close guild members. And upon investigation of event matters, JINX is always the first person into any event related places (riddle rooms and the such). Now I understand he is a very in-game wealthy player, and that he has attained a lot of his wealth via his wit and cleverness. However when someone runs into an event last second, without being around for any of the precursor spiel and hints required to fabricate plausible answers to riddles, and "guesses" the correct answer that teleports them to the event room, where they get first dibs on anything in there, on their first try, every time. It begins to kick flags and raise suspicion.

Then you take other EMs, such as Godiva, where players other then JINX and his alts and close guildmembers attain overly rare and unique items, leaving JINX and the such in the dust crying about the "unfairness".

These are the things that lead to such nepotism related suspicions. And are only a couple examples of many such "coincidences".

A person once told me, that coincidences can only happen so often and that eventually the truth behind a matter comes out. All it takes is someone to sit back, watch and put the pieces together.
There seems to be much misunderstanding or ignorance from this post. This game is made up of different age group, maturity, intelligence, and invested time. People with high IQ and dedication will do far better than the latter. That's why there is only 1 Michael Jordan etc...

I have seen Jinx's progression in the rare collecting profession (If there is one) from day 1. I knew him before he owned any rares and use to sell me rare trick o treat items. Even the first few event items he gotten at the beginning of this career he sold them to me. As time went on, he realized those things were nice to collect and beginning to figure out the lucrative side of this profession. So he did what anyone with above IQ would do which was to get his friends and guildies in on it as well. More people attending events more chances of getting the rares; simple math.

But by watching me playing on every shard, he further invested his time into developing more characters and transferring them off shards. Now here is the important part, nothing prepares you better of becoming an expert in any area than simple repetition. In the past 3 years, he has probably attended nearly 1,000 events. Just that alone gives him and other players like him the edge. While in our eyes he is no different than anyone of us who practices this method but to someone like you or any non-regular-event goer it may seem as though he always has a head start and knows how to figure things out.

As for EMs knowing who he is that is completely understandable, he is known as "Jinx" on every single shard. But I can guarantee you Jinx has no idea who they are.

Lastly, as for unique items, go look at the Event Item list under Baja shard. Very seldom do the EMs ever drop an unique item. Most drop counts are in the 10 range and nearly half of those goes to the X-sharder players; since they have the same thoughts in mind.

If you still have doubts let me show you how many of these Baja events are attended by X-sharders:

Shu Shu
Restroom Cowboy
Nails Warstein
Blue Amber

Any one of these use alias chars and are at the top of their game for events and are always at our events. But don't worry we do the same to their shards too :)

So in a nut shell, if you want to be competitive as Jinx, get your guild to support you, attend a thousand events, then you just might get there. :thumbsup:

Amber Witch

Babbling Loonie
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Stratics Legend
This thread has gone way off topic.

Your apparent lack of actual facts are a waste of time and emotion. You have facts to back up what your claiming/flaming? Accusations and statements such as the ones you are making do not belong on Stratics.

You have a real complaint, have the information to back it up and want to see change? Do it the appropriate way. Send it to the Dark Lady.

End of story.
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