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[Discussion] Scammer Alert, Fake Nabin In Luna. My convo inside.

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Seasoned Veteran
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So there is a fake Nabin going around. He is particularly unintelligent, so I had a little fun with him.

I confirmed this image is OK to post with the forum administrator and the real Nabin :)

This guy is an obvious idiot, so please be smart and don't fall for his scams.


Note: I knew he was a scammer from the very beginning. He is riding around in noobie clothes on a purchased horse, and does not have Nabin's guild tag.


Lord Nabin

High Council Sage - Greater Sosaria
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Glorious Lord

Please verify my Guild Tag and ICQ me you all know the number.

I appreciate those who ping me when he shows up.

If you are contact by him please tell him to quit harassing you and your shard by scamming people in my name then page on him for Verbal harassment. Then just ignore him.

Since I refuse to listen to or meet any demands from a scammer that they would offer to stop (I consider it Blackmail) he might be around for awhile.

He will go away sooner or later


Slightly Crazed
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Only one comment from my site: While I find it ok to bring betrayers to justice also that way, you should change your journal colors to something darker - these are too hard to read. (I can't)


Always Present
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My eyes are super bad. Someone give me the cliffs notes


Seasoned Veteran
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Sorry all.

You can just use http://i.imgur.com/2Am9aqX.png , right click the pic, save as ... then zoom on your computer and read it? :-/

If you go to that link, make sure to click the picture once to zoom in a bit.

You can also hold CTRL and use MouseWheel to zoom into web pages -- Depends on the browser you use.


My eyes are super bad. Someone give me the cliffs notes
In Firefox (and I think other browsers) you can zoom in on the forums by hitting left-control and then scrolling the mouse-wheel. I had trouble reading it as well - but was able to after scrolling in.


Always Present
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In Firefox (and I think other browsers) you can zoom in on the forums by hitting left-control and then scrolling the mouse-wheel. I had trouble reading it as well - but was able to after scrolling in.
Tried that. But being legally blind and only partially corrected gives everything a little blur.

Multi Dwagon

Lore Keeper
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[Text - Did not edit thier spelling]
[N = Nabin]
[Z = Zemus]

[The Log]
N Hey freind
Z Hey nabin, whats up
N How you linking the new pad
Z Its freat
Z Still would like yours better :]
N well
N Im getting rid of mine:[
Z lol no you're not
N I am!
Z How much?
N I have not really come up with a set price yet
N Reason is becouse i have to take a vacation
N well I call it a vacation, I will be away from uo for awhile
Z Waren't you just in Aruba?
N I was but personal family issues
Z Selling any rares?
N Well Im keeping most but wanne trade the house so I can give other people
N the opp to utilize it!
Z Ok
Z Well you now I'd buy your place
N I want to give it to someone who def use it the right way
z So let me know when you have a price
N Im actually thinking of trading for a house in luna gate but not the number 1 house. That way
N if I don't play for a year it wont go to waste
Z You won't accept cash?
N Well depends on the number:]
N I would Probably do gold but i wanted a luna house just in case i came back within a year
Z So 20b?
N yeah that would be fun to transfer! I have a friend up the road who may trade me house for
N house if he doesnt I will sell to you
Z Would you trade my west plot for your east plot?
N I would but you would have to co-own me so I can get all my stuff out
Z Oh THat's not a problem. I have about 25b of rares in my giftboxes. I need your word
Z that you won't take them
N Friend you know I would never touch that kind od of thing
Z Hmm.
z I think its a good deal
N You tell me when and its a go
Z Look I know we've never talked on the phone, but I'd feel better if we did this deal
Z So give me a call. It will take 5 seconds
Z I will Co-own you
N I will but around 12 friend
Z Why 12?
N Becouse that is my lunch break
Z Lunch break?
Z You dont work on mondays
Z What are you talking about
N had to fo in today
N I will cal you at 12 for sure friend
Z So are we a done deal?
N I may transfer it to you first becouse I dont want my friend saying I didnt wait for him
N I just want it done before he signs on
Z Which Friend
N Im trying to beat the clock here
N Frank
Z Who is Frank? He owns a luna house?
N yes
Z Which house
N I believe he just bought it
Z Which house
N One from candence [hard to read]
Z Omg he is the one who bought it?
N yes
Z Wow
Z My house is worth a lot more
N oh to me its not the value of the house
Z Since when?
N I have this emergency I have to tend to
N ahh sorry phone call
N I will get back to you at 12 if you want me to call you
Z Can I ask you a question
Z Hello?
N yes
N Whats up
N Whats your question sorry
Z Are you serious about the trade?
N I am very serious
N I wouldnt pull your leg
Z We both know your the boss of the business. You can make a quick call to me.
Z If you call, I will co-own and we get this deal done
N I have Frank on the line
Z You said you could only talk on lunch?
Z Now you're talking to him
N I can
N Becouse he is occupying me
Z Just call me se we can finalize the deal
Z I will co-own you right now
Z If you just call
Z I'll give you my #
N Trying to convince me otherwise. Hes about to log on
Z Ok. so no deal?
N Im just trying to tell him my logic behind it why I want to give to you
Z I don't want to play games. Do you want to make the deal or not?
N Let me come look inside your place
N Hey friend take it easy
Z Ok so you're not going to call? Deal is off?
N Why you being so impantient friend?
Z You told me you can't talk, and now you're talking to the new luna owner
Z You've never been rude to me
N I was doing this for you
Z Everyone knows I talk on the phone before large deals
N he is my real life friend I am trying to explain to him
Z We've never done a large deal like this
N Imagine your real life friend wants your house
Z If you were serious you would've called already
Z Please contact me when you're serious about the deal.
N Im sorry friend your just real pushy its okay
N I was trying to help you out
Z You offered this to me
Z I didnt ask
N and your getting border line nasty to me
Z If you are serious, lets do the deal
N all I said was I would call you at 12
Z You said a lunch break ... as though I dont know you own your business
Z Then you called Frank
N It is a lunch break I do the breaks
Z But wont call me
Z You want his house, its fine
Z I just dont want to play games
N Easy as that
N If you were willing to do the deal I would of had it done already
Z I would do it right tnow
Z But if you won't call me, I won't do it.
N I dont need the value
N I said I would call you at 12
Z Id you don't call me now the deal is off
N your talking to me as this benefit me in any way
N Okay friend deal is off if can not wait till 12
Z Can I just say, you are absolute worst scammer I've ever met.
Z What makes you think you can impersonate Nabin?
Z You are too stupid to pull it off.

Captn Norrington

Stratics Forum Moderator
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So, I just had an encounter with the fake Nabin... he truly is one of the worst scammers I have ever seen, the conversation more or less went the same way as his conversation with Orich, basically, he approached me in my luna house, asked if I wanted to purchase Nabin's luna house. refused to display the correct guild tag or send me an ICQ from the real Nabin's account, for about 5 minutes I let him give his speech, he said what a great deal it was, and he needed the money for a family member etc. I then got this nice screenshot and reported him.



Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
I BAN THEE!!! Muhahahahahahaha

Nice work. So hes trying to get people to give over their homes then?


Stratics Veteran
I saw this "Nabin" as well today, but I don't own a Luna house so he didn't hustle me. Or talk to me. I did find it odd that he was not dressed in your usual attire Nabin. I thought 'maybe one if his alts...' :)

Thanks for the heads up everybody!

Captn Norrington

Stratics Forum Moderator
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I thought threads like this aren't allowed...
It would only not be allowed if we discovered the persons real identity and posted it here saying something like "watch out everyone ____ is scamming people" posting a general warning about a current scam is considered acceptable. especially since the person who's identity has been stolen is ok with this being posted.


I thought threads like this aren't allowed...
Most threads like this are a direct attack on a player. XYZ Scammed me and his alts are ABC1 and BCD4 with ###-###-### ICQ Number. That would not be allowed. In this case - Nabin is well aware of the situation and this provides a warning to the community without directly attacking someone else.

Lord Nabin

High Council Sage - Greater Sosaria
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Glorious Lord
I fully approve this message.

*Tips a glass of Good Old Moonglow Red in salute to the community*

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
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Stratics Legend
I think the community is now aware of this, further discussion may be counter productive.
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