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[Fishing] Scalis the Enforcer

  • Thread starter Atlantic Smith
  • Start date
  • Watchers 0

Atlantic Smith

Is insane.

Your much better off just doing Corgul for the artifacts. We spent over an hour killing Scalis with about 10 people and I believe the best thing we got was our arrows/bolts back for the few archers that were there. Nothing really worth looting either....and he is definately harder than slasher.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Sounds like my TC experience, Of which I reported... :(


Is insane.

Your much better off just doing Corgul for the artifacts. We spent over an hour killing Scalis with about 10 people and I believe the best thing we got was our arrows/bolts back for the few archers that were there. Nothing really worth looting either....and he is definately harder than slasher.
If your talking about last night on the emporium dock. I was there. Waste 90 minutes.

Not worth it. Im just going to sell my nets and ancients.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yeah I can now say I did it, I report the same thing.

Did you guys notice any lag when doing scalis?


Done two now with our guild, 5 - 6 people, not too hard, but at an average of 100 mibs to get a Scalis to spawn (1 in 4 fabled seems to be a Scalis, 1 in 25 mibs for a ASOS)

Both times...

No drop.


Nothing at all.


pacific cruiser

Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
i got the leviathan arms once outta 3 times wife got the blade thing and buddy got the smiling moon but was like ya all said about 8 of us ..corgil is much easier even wwith the spawn.. but what a good fight


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
We did very well with 4 players on it:
- 1 tamer with gd (gd used as tank)
- 1 bard (mainly to discord Scalis and to ae-peace the eels)
- 2 mystics
Important note:
The gd has to survive, so all should help healing him. Best worked, when all stood close together. If someone does a range attack, Scalis spawns waves of eels. AE-peacing and killing them with ae damage worked best. If no one does range attack, the eels will spawn on the gd and be killed by Scalis next ae attack. The closer you are to him, the more damage you take from his ae, so vetting is not possible/not safe.
Be prepared for a long fight. I havent paid attention to the clock and we needed some tries but even with a good group, it takes a while. (We had a gd, 2 ev's and 2 rc's hitting Scalis most of the time.)