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Saw this for DAOC site. But not UO.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Saw this wish we had that program but most likely they would lose to much money.
Monthly Mithril Bonus to Subscribers
Posted by John Thornhill | 2020 Dec 21 09:59 -0500 GMT
A new monthly Mithril bonus has been added to all subscription packages!

  • Every subscribed account will now receive this bonus mithril currency automatically every month their subscription is applied or renews!
    • 1 month subscription package: 100 bonus mithril
    • 3 month subscription packages: 125 bonus mithril each month
    • 6+ month subscription packages: 150 bonus mithril each month
    • Bonus mithril will be automatically deposited 72 hours after a subscription is initialized or renewed.
  • Any accounts that were currently subscribed on December 18th will receive their bonus mithril for this current month and will receive it going forward on that subscription's renewal!
    • For example, a 3-month account subscription that was initiated on December 1st, 2020 will receive their 125 mithril bonus for the first month now, then will get their second month's 125 bonus mithril on January 3rd 2021 (72 hours after their renewal date) and their third month's 125 bonus mithril on February 3rd 2021.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'd be against this just for the simple fact that the game is already flooded w gold thanks to the farmers & dupers that go back to the infancy days of Ultima. But the idea itself is nice.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'd be against this just for the simple fact that the game is already flooded w gold thanks to the farmers & dupers that go back to the infancy days of Ultima. But the idea itself is nice.
Its there store money that can't be transferred. You would have to save up to buy soulstones.

I play one other MMORPG that does this. They give 500 a month to lifetime members. Cost was 250 for lifetime membership. I got it when the game came out years ago I came back after 10 years to 50k store money lasted only a few days trying to play catch up.

If anything it would drop the price of the store baught items. Can see soulstones going for 25mil if they did this.


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SWTOR gives 525 Cartel Coins a month to subscribers, plus a bonus of 100 if you have 2 factor security on your account.


Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Most games with a subscription model and a "premium" currency do this. It not only generates good will, but tends to encourage people to purchase additional currency to buy something sooner. UO gave out free currency all of once...shambolically.

But then those games also run sales of both items and currency, something EA hasn't done for UO...and Broadsword seems scared to run sales on store items (they've had what, two sales the entire time th e store has been a thing?)