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Saving the Journal Log as a text file

Amber Witch

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I have Windows Vista and cannot save the journal as a text file. I spent over an hour trying to get it to work and nada. I also hear that those that have Win7 are having the same issue.

Anyone have any ideas on how/if it can be done? If anyone does know a way to do this please explain it as clearly as possible. Think of SaveJournal for Dummies!



Have you tried Journal Converter? Right off the UO Stratics News page in the downloads section. I tried it a long time ago on the CC and it did pretty well. Not sure if it's effective on the EC tho.

Skylark SP

Available Storage: 0
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

I can't imagine why the way this feature works from the game's standpoint would be different - it sounds like a permissions issue. The game has to be able to write all the data to the journal file on the hard drive, and it is refreshed when the client is closed from what I recall in the past. Can you give us some additional details, such as what is the path you are using in your UO config file to the journal file? Are you running UO with admin privileges?
