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Save Sonoma's History


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Stratics Legend
Dor used to do tours of famous and unique places around Sonoma. I would like to do that, but, I forgot where many of those old places were. Many are simply gone. I think Dor had them in a rune book at the YMCA but I can't access the things inid there anymore.
I could use help locating things like Lady Birmingham's grave. Also if you know of some rare place or important place in Sonoma's history and are willing to assist me in creating a new rune book, please let me know.



The Grandest of the PooBah’s
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we lost a lot of places in mag when it got flamed then rebuit.

like the seer bar that was there and such.

and Oasis, some of that is still there.
the fight pits and house, and the Rose Castle is still there.

the old township of Caendryl at the Shrine of Spirituality in Felucca and around there.... last time i checked the alchy lab was still there.
but the mage huts and stable where gone.
http://caendryl.com/ they have a web site, hasnt been updates since 2002 i think.

Journey's End is still where it has allways been.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Thanks Poo, we lost Erndell the Engineer's place in Magenica too. He had cool catpults and things on his roof. Also Magencia held Harris' Tavern by the Sea.

Time killed the vilages of Sanctuary and Golgotha...although something foul has moved back there. LOL

I have the following places marked and will begin running a tour every now and then very soon.

Lady Bree's cabin in Yew
Patterson, Kender's Vendor's grave
Court of Truth and Yew Prison
Oasis Remains
The remains of Caendryl Stables - some of it is still there
Lady Brimingham's Grave (Bree) and the graves of several family members
Lord Blackthorn's Castle's roof
Robyn ap Myr's House
Sonoma Racetrack
Ruins of the Mage Tower - and walk down to the Jourmey's End
The Red Moongate to Hedge maze
The Sorcery Tower


The Grandest of the PooBah’s
Stratics Veteran
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Campaign Benefactor
i had a house there at the Caendryl Stables for many years. but alas i had to trade it off for bigger and better storage, haha