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Lady Lavendar

Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
The Town of Yew invited Santa Claus and the Elves to visit Monday December 21. The visit was to take place at the Winterbreeze Center for Arcane Study, located close to Empath Abbey. The center had been cleared so there was plenty of room for the sleigh and the reindeer. The chimney was carefully hung with stockings! Cookies and milk were placed by Santa's chair. Plenty of eggnog was at hand, and the Christmas lights were hung. Santa had let us know he would like to visit as many of the good folk of Atlantic as possible, so advance notice was made, and many helped casting magical gates to the Winterbreeze Center where The Christmas Elf Thring, and Buddy the Elf greeted the visitors. All who would like a present were directed to get in line to visit Santa Claus and Mrs. Santa Claus. Governor Tatiana set up her traveling tavern just outside the center to add to the holiday cheer. Yew Militia Captain Sunwolf and Lieutenant Mongo helped patrol the grounds. Many lent a hand, including Governor Cauchemar, Sinful Candies, and Governor Angelica. PEC Wraith arrived to set continuous magical portals to Luna, Haven and Britain, freeing up the mages who were assisting visitors get to Yew. Many thanks to all who helped! Many thanks to all who visited! Over a hundred good folks (and some not so good) stood in line to get their gifts. At last Santa had to depart to continue on his journey. We bid a fond farewell to Santa and the Elves, and hope they will be good enough to visit us again next Christmas!
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Hope all the events will go as well as this one.. All helped a true joint effort of many towns , just took a good Idea and a BUNCH of work by Lady Lavendar it's "good to Work with a great Gov'na " Bows Deeply waves hat with a flourish " Cauchemar Gov'na of Trinsic