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Samurai Plate


Does samurai platemail give the same LRC and stam protection bonuses as normal platemail?

I see the scours are incredibly cheap and wonder why it doesn’t seem like a widely used armor type.

Are there disadvantages to samurai platemail compared to chain ring or normal plate ?


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Because it is very hard to craft exceptional (some parts 20-35% chance at 120 skill) & it comes with the mage property that you have to pay to have removed. If you are trying to reforge it, it is a huge waste of time and ingots due this. Better off to use normal plate unless you just want to grin through the waste of ingots. All heavy (metal) armor offers the same stamina protection / LRC.



Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Like Val said, Exceptional Samurai Plate is a pain in the ass to craft (not near as bad as Whips though), and it automatically comes with Mage Armor when crafted Exceptional, and so you need to pay 250k Gold per piece to have the Mage Armor removed in order to benefit from Metal's +1% LMC Cap/Heavy Stam Protection.
Plus, any variety of Legendary Samurai Platemail is incredibly difficult to find, let alone pieces of it with Dexxer properties.


Thanks! So it does give the bonuses, but it is just more of a hassle to work with.

The platemail scours are scarce and the samurai are practically free


It wasn't horrible. You can get a blacksmith talisman to increase exceptional rate by 20% and with 120 skill you are at 60-80% chance to get exceptional pieces

The dex reforge sometimes eats up a lot of tries, but HCI takes only a few shots normally.

Removing mage armor for 250k per piece is a small price to pay when you can get invuln samurai plate for under 200k, but normal plate invuln is 10mill+

I checked and these pieces give the 1 LMC boost. Have not tested for heavy stam protection, but I have to assume it works if LMC is there and refinements exist for it.

2 or 3 crafted pieces are still super important to finishing up a maxed out pvm suit because you can fit HPI and stam and you get a wildcard for HCI,DCI or stats (sometimes damage)

I think i'm going to start using samurai more often when crafting.

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