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[Price Check] Sampire Ring

Jake of Pac

Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
most high value pvp jewels are going to have 15-45 skills in pvp templates with EP, and hci/dci and damage inc. pvm jewels are usually going to be clean (non antique) because sampires doing spawns will degrade jewels fairly quick. and tailoring a template to a jewel that wont last a very very long time is tough to replace.
most pvm samp jewels will usually require at least damage inc, swing speed, hci and/or dci with some skill and good stats.
this one, unfortunately, is worth relic frags in my eyes.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'm sorry if this bothers you I will give you my opinion with an example to try to help you, im not trying to cause any controvercy whatsoever. So IMO you need at least 3 base mods like the ones in the picture below: (hci / dci / di) in order for a jewel to be worth something relevant and hopefully 30, 45, 60 increased skills. I hope this clarifies the range of price of your jewel that you were asking for.




Slightly Crazed
Got this the other day and was wondering if it has any worth.

View attachment 124996
If for sampiire, it is antique (no good to tailor template for it) and has only 4 useful mods
: Chiv, Tact, Necro, DCI
You can get lesser artifact prized with similar quality.
So while ring have lots of mods, it is no good for any of templates I am aware.

Jake of Pac

Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
having tactics and swords/macing/fencing on a sampire ring is counter productive. the calculations for damage on template require real skill for the masteries. only useful skill increase for samps is parry, necro, chiv, resist, or anatomy if it's a max damage samp.