Yeah some one gave you some bad information. The key to the sampire is max DCI, DI, and the proper weapon (SSI, HSL, HML, DI at a minimum).
Many of the pieces you have can be used, but if you use all of the arties at once your resists will suffer. I try to knock out the DCI in as few pieces as possible which gives me more flexibility to find high resists pieces with stamina increase. Many use the following:
Head: Mace & Shield Glasses (for the 35 HLD and good resists/mods)
Neck: Runic Gorget (some use Jackal's Collar for the Dex but the resists are poor)
Chest: Runic Chest or Heart of the Lion (15 DCI)
Arms: Runic Arms (I recommend against the Bracers as the resists suck)
Gloves: Stormgrip (25 DI) or Runic
Legs: Fey Leggings (20 DCI)
Ring: DCI/HCI/DI/DEX/Resists as required (Ring of Vile is ok)
Brace: DCI/HCI/DI/DEX/Resists as required
Cloak: Quiver of Infinity (5 DCI) or Melissa's Cloak (5 Fire Resist)
Robe: Conjurer's Garb (5 DCI)
Talisman: Conjurer's Trinket or Primer on Arms
In my opinion, they key is to get 45 DCI and then piece the resists together. On all of the runic, I look for pieces with higher than 60 total resist and has stamina increase as a minimum. It is a puzzle trying to max resists out without going overboard in one area and being short in another. Remember, you need to stack extra fire resist because Vamp Form is -25 fire. I build out my suit in a spreadsheet and try all sorts of combos until I find one that works. Usually I am short somewhere so I am always shopping trying to get to the perfect suit with 70/70/70/70/75 resists, 45 DCI, 100 DI, some HCI, and Stamina above 150 (the higher the better).
Don't be afraid to look for imbued rings and bracelets. I find that these are the wild card slots to fill holes in your suit. If you have an imbuer or have a friend who is one you might be able to get something custome made for free if you provide the ingredients. I usually have fire resists on my ring and brace to help bring this up to 70, but if you got the 95 total you need (with vamp form on) from the armor then you are good to go.
Good luck pieces your pieces together!
P.S. Don't ditch any of your items until you have your full suit together. Sometimes you think you're not going to use an item, and then all of a sudden the perfect piece shows up on a vendor that forces you to pull that one item out of your bank box and use it.