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[Discussion] *salutes*



Dear Rares Community,

Some of you may know me and others may not. For those that don't, I was once a collector based on Atlantic and a former moderator of these forums. I dropped off the face of the Earth about a year ago due to lack of interest in UO along with increasing real life commitments. I see that you've found Assia to replace me (great choice by Tomas & Co, by the way!) and am glad to see the rares community consistently growing and expanding. It's refreshing to see so many faces, old and new, sharing the passion for pixelated rares that I once had.

Anyway, given how little I've touched the game, how my interest never seems to grow anymore like it once has, and how real life for me is just going to become more busy from here on out; I decided it was time to finally quit. For those wondering, the items DVI will be selling have all come from my personal collection, as I have "hired" him to get rid of all my UO-related items for me so that I will never be tempted to play again. Thirteen years of consistent effort got me what I had in-game, and I can only hope that they go to people who will love them as much as I did.

Ultimately, my dream of completing my museum never came to realization. I was only a few small items away from obtaining all that I had set out to collect. Some of you had stumbled onto the near-completed project just outside Luna North Gate on Atlantic. The vast majority of you probably had no idea I nor my museum existed. Despite this, I'm still happy to have gotten to know many of you over the years. Rares community: I salute you.

Until we meet in greener pastures, fare thee well...

- Chaosy

P.S. For those who care about such things: "Romanticist in Arirang" lantern was my favorite item both in my collection and the game. I finally obtained it off Manticore shortly before I stopped playing. I had a huge obsession with Asian shard items and love Korean history in real life. Arirang is a famous Korean folk song for those who don't know, and coupled to an awesome name, a near-uniqueness, hand equip-ability, and obscenely annoying color; you pretty much had the perfect item.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
*returns with a saucy little salute*

Have no fear Chaosy, I will soldier on in your absence!

Good Luck.

Athelas [Treasure Trove] Museum, Atlantic

Kylie Kinslayer

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Not really in the rares community you know I just dabble in them :)

but Ughhhhhh...

Dang man, I just started playing again was looking forward to seeing you in game. Take care bro and wish you the best.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I wish you well in what you choose to do! BTW I know you aren't planning on returning, but please consider banking a few mill along with all your soulstones. Years from now you might get that itch again, you really never know. =)


I wish you well in what you choose to do! BTW I know you aren't planning on returning, but please consider banking a few mill along with all your soulstones. Years from now you might get that itch again, you really never know. =)
I'm actually getting rid of my accounts as well. It's just not the same anymore, and years from now I'll be too busy to play any kind of game. :)

Assia Penryn

The Sleeping Dragon
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Best of luck with whatever you do. Thanks for taking the time to help out the community. You'll be missed. *smiles*