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Sage Library now Open (Felucca)

Stoic Sage

Stratics Veteran
The Sage Library in Moonglow Felucca is now open to be used by the public, it is a no PvP, no griefing area. The Library is located on the far south west corner of the island. Many books are complete, although, there are still a few that need to be utilized; Donations are gladly accepted for runebook ideas.

Feel free to come check it out and use the library whenever you feel like it.

Any ideas are welcome.



UO Baja News Reporter
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Benefactor
I look forward to visiting it.



Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hmm, that location is somewhat between the Moongate and the CoM Faction Base. Town isn't far off either. It's pretty ideal, actually.

No one is currently in the CoM faction, but there have been some interesting fights in that area in the past. If folks are screwing around outside, that'll probably be the reason why.

Ever since the old CoM base was scrapped because of the needless destruction of Magincia, the CoM base was moved there and it's actually one of the more easily defensible bases so it's not unlikely for a newer/returning Faction players to choose that one.
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Stoic Sage

Stratics Veteran
Thanks SK, I am aware that it is a hotspot at times, but I would please ask that if fighting among one another that the Library not be used as a Run-to location or hiding spot. I would also like to ask that my request be passed along to the rest of the world.

I wanted to give something back to the community, regardless of how often I play. So I thought, what better way than to build a library? As this Library is primarily a Feluccan library, all ideas for new runes of Felucca are welcome. Please let me know if you have any ideas that might help make this Library one of the best in Britannia.

Stoic Sage

Stratics Veteran
I have closed my accounts and am wondering if anyone is willing to take over and maintain this library?