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SA Peerless: More than 10 People Per Instance?


Former Stratics CEO (2011-2014)
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Our guild offers nightly hunts. Unfortunately, we are unable to lead official hunts to the new peerless, as we have not yet discovered a way to bring more than 10 people in per instance. We can't just leave folks behind.

Has anyone figured out if there is a way to do this? Can anyone confirm whether or not it can be done?

Thanks in advance for your expertise.


I haven't tried it myself so bear with me.... but one possible idea could be party with your 10, activate the gate but party leader (assuming the one who placed the keys) stays behind. then disband the party make another party quickly and take them through the gate? I do not know if this would work perhaps you guys/gals can test it out next time through.


Interesting.. Might try this tactic next time.. I do wish we could take multi parties into the new peerless.. this is a long standing tradition on our shard and I for one hope to be able to continue it.


Grand Inquisitor
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I for one am glad they capped the bosses at 10. What I saw in ML with 30 people going in and roflstomping the bosses and taking all the difficulty out of the encounter was a joke.

Much needed improvement.


Former Stratics CEO (2011-2014)
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I for one am glad they capped the bosses at 10. What I saw in ML with 30 people going in and roflstomping the bosses and taking all the difficulty out of the encounter was a joke.

Much needed improvement.
Groups of 30 people 1) are no more likely to receive artifacts than smaller groups and 2) typically finish peerless instances more quickly that smaller groups. Accordingly, I really have a difficult time understanding your viewpoint. Personally, I cringe when I see a party of 2 enter mel, because I realize that it will be half an hour before my group gets a chance to enter.

A large guild doing official guild hunts needs to be able to include all interested parties. Limiting peerless encounters to 10 people does nothing to improve your personal gaming experience, but it can exclude larger guilds from bringing groups there.

I am having trouble seeing your side - I think I must be missing something. Would you mind enlightening us?

zared of napa

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I haven't tried it myself so bear with me.... but one possible idea could be party with your 10, activate the gate but party leader (assuming the one who placed the keys) stays behind. then disband the party make another party quickly and take them through the gate? I do not know if this would work perhaps you guys/gals can test it out next time through.
No it does not work .You can not add somebody to a party after the keys have been dropped ;(


Grand Inquisitor
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Stratics Legend
Groups of 30 people 1) are no more likely to receive artifacts than smaller groups and 2) typically finish peerless instances more quickly that smaller groups. Accordingly, I really have a difficult time understanding your viewpoint. Personally, I cringe when I see a party of 2 enter mel, because I realize that it will be half an hour before my group gets a chance to enter.

A large guild doing official guild hunts needs to be able to include all interested parties. Limiting peerless encounters to 10 people does nothing to improve your personal gaming experience, but it can exclude larger guilds from bringing groups there.

I am having trouble seeing your side - I think I must be missing something. Would you mind enlightening us?
It's not about loot. It's about trivializing [making encounter easier than intended] that causes the problem. if a boss is made for 10 people, more than 10 people SHOULD NOT be allowed in because it makes it too easy.

Capping it at 10 was a good move. Now those of you who want bigger groups should petition they make a boss geared for about 20-30 people so you can get your 30 people in, but by no means should overpowering large groups be allowed to fight a boss that's not geared for it.


No, his point is completely valid. These are instances not single peerless. If you want to bring in 2 or 200, you should be able to. What if he is training a group of 10 newbies with another group of ten trainers? The newbies will have no chance if their trainers aren't around to help, and it's likely a 5+5 group would fail (and not be fun.)

You do remember this is all about having fun, right?

Making individual instances geared towards 10 , 20, 80 people is a complete waste of dev resources, as the upper ended ones will only be used rarely by guilds that need them.

So, I'd say you need to enlighten a bit more -- as your viewpoint seems to be "large groups shouldn't play peerless unless -I- think they are evenly matched."

Which is silly, since why would you or anyone else care if they are instanced?

JC the Builder

Crazed Zealot
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Our guild offers nightly hunts. Unfortunately, we are unable to lead official hunts to the new peerless, as we have not yet discovered a way to bring more than 10 people in per instance. We can't just leave folks behind.
Then you go twice. There is no limit on how many times you can go and getting the keys is not very difficult.

I like that they limited the amount of people you can bring. It lets the scale the difficulty to where they want it. You can make the most difficult monster in the world but if you scale for 30 people it will either 1 hit kill or be too easy.


Former Stratics CEO (2011-2014)
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What if he is training a group of 10 newbies with another group of ten trainers? The newbies will have no chance if their trainers aren't around to help, and it's likely a 5+5 group would fail (and not be fun.)
This is my point, exactly. As you probably know, JC, UWF often serves as a springboard to more experienced guilds. We train people to PvM - that's our mission. The whole point of our guild hunts are to introduce brand new players to all PvM content, including peerless and champs.

It's not about having fun killing a peerless. Taking new players to peerless can be a nightmare. If I want to have fun at a peerless, I'd rather go with a group of 10 vets than a group of 30 new players. HOT/HEAT accept many new players, too - I'm sure you understand what I'm talking about.

For the training value, I'd much rather be able to bring a large group during official guild hunts.

JC the Builder

Crazed Zealot
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Considering both the Peerless have now been soloed, you should be able to bring a good mixture of veterans and newer players. If you bring 9 newbies and have 1 older player there then you will run into trouble.