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SA noob question: where is the "uoconfig" file


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
After 9hours of downloading the client, I saw the brand new look of the log-in screen. But the language is in uni-code (Chinese) rather than my preferred English language. So how do I edit it? And can I get rid of the splash screen also? Thanks

EDIT: nevermind, I found it. It's now also in UOSA folder under My Document folder.



Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
After 9hours of downloading the client, I saw the brand new look of the log-in screen. But the language is in uni-code (Chinese) rather than my preferred English language. So how do I edit it? And can I get rid of the splash screen also? Thanks
Enhanced client, no idea.

Classic client:

1) Exit UO. Go to the folder you installed in, there should be a file called uo.cfg there.

2) Look for a line that starts with "UserLanguageCodeString="

3) Change what's after the equal sign to ENU. This line should now read "UserLanguageCodeString=ENU"

If you are still getting translated text after loggin in, you might want to similairly edit the various uo.cfgs under "My documents\EA Games\Ultima Online Legacy\User Data\<account name>\<shard name>\<char name>\uo.cfg"

To disable the splash screens, delete or rename the "Intro.bik" file in the "Music" subfolder within the folder you installed UO to.