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SA Golem Suggestion.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Since UO: LBR, Gargoyles have been known as masters of Golemcraft. I'm wondering if Tinkered Golems will get a buff with Stygian Abyss.

When tinkered Golems first came out with UO: LBR, they were powerful as hell. They're Colossal Blows stunned any player foolish enough to melee them, they were practically immune to magic, and they mopped the floor with pets/summons. Only way to reliably take down tinkered/"wild" Golems was with a archer. Then they got a HUGE nerf, making them pretty much useless other than as a practice dummy.

I'd like to see Golems become useful again for PvM. One of their problems is that they cannot Bond, so training one is practically useless considering how easily they're killed. One way to fix this would be to introduce a "Cerebral-Core", an item that can be looted from a slain tinkered Golem, and it contains the skills of it. So if your' 4xGM Golem is slain, you can take the Core, use it on a new tinkered Golem, and that new Golem gains the 4xGM skills (With a 0.1 skill loss). It does not however assume the Stats/Resists of the former Golem, considering it is a new "body/shell".

One way to buff them would be to make Golems craftable out of different types of ingots, thus giving them certain ranges of Stats/Resists/Damage Types. Valorite being one of the most powerful (Considering it is the rarest ore type, and would require a large amount to create a Golem).
A Blackrock Golem should be possible as well, requiring large amounts of Blackrock to create, with a high failure rate to make, and require a large amount of ingots to repair. However, it will have superior stats/resists compared to other Golems. Stats/Resists on par with a Ogre Lord. Only a GM Tinker could own/control a Blackrock Golem.


I thoroughly back these ideas as I've suggested them myself at one time or another. :D

I'd like to see us being able to craft exodus overseers and minions too. Golems with trainable mace/parry, overseers with fence/poison, minions with swords/lumberjack. They could be crafted with a weapon as an additional component, determining their special moves (eg: bleed/mortal for executioner axe minion). Possibly a 1-slot mechanical mount, too. Stabling is done by removing the power crystal from the machine and locking it down in a house (too heavy to carry).

As for control, golems 3-slot, overseers 2-slot, minions 5-slot.

Tinkering to create & repair. Arms Lore giving a lower ingot cost for repairs, also gives an animal lore type assessment of the machine's vitals.

Hrm, had more but that's about all I can recall since stratics crashed. :wall:


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
How dare you 2 to be more creative than our own designers...and that's my favorite signature you have Fink....

Bomb Bloke

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
(Fink's sig is a script setup to show a different image each time it's loaded).


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
yeah they are in serious need of some love, would love to see the ideas suggested used.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
Nice suggestions!... Very cool ideas.