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Sa, forced upgrade?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
When sa goes live will 2d users be forced to upgrade to this graphical disaster? Seems like sa is a giant step backwards in terms of the quality of the graphics.


- Yup, they have also worked on updating Legacy (the original '2D' client) while they have been working on SA (also a '2D' perspective), and they have stated that Legacy (~ 2D) will continue to be around. Legacy ~aka~ 2D may not be around forever but it will definitely coexist with SA (also a ~ '2D' UO) after SA's slated release in the next few months.


UO Forum Moderator
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just to add 2d will also have the options such as crafting menu like in kr ... make multiple items mark as quest item etc


If you all depend on UOAM.. you're SOL unless someone hacks the source and lets loose a new update. SA may be more graphics intensive than classic.. but it is very nice, including 90% of UOA and 95% of UOAM (my figures based on use not on analysis).

I've read and heard that most of UO's player base is older folk.. the phrase "can't teach an old dog new tricks" seems to apply. Your stubbornness will be the end of you.

the 4th man

Lore Master
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Huh?? 2D's late 90's graphics are the reason UO isn't on the store shelves....it's like a car dealer advertising a 98.........who would buy that??

Like the one poster said, it's having to relearn something....that's the major issue. Ironically though, how many went to go play world of whatever??
They didn't have a problem learning that though......

Remember, the only thing that stays the same is change.

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
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Actually the learning curve isn't all that steep. I've been able to re-create most of my current macros in SA so that they function exactly as I expect them to using the same keys as I normally do. Plus a few that I could only wish I could do before.
On the other hand this 'old dog' believes you're never too old to learn.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Also, there's now a legacy macro importer. So the macros get imported, and then you only need to assign a keystroke for them.


I will play SA when it performs like the 2d client for movement. As I have stated before SA is choppy compared to 2d. I want something better then 2d but KR was not for sure, and so far SA is not either.


I will play SA when it performs like the 2d client for movement. As I have stated before SA is choppy compared to 2d.
Yeah, this is pretty much my problem. If I can be outmaneuvered by other players & monsters solely due to my choice of client, that's a bad thing, mmkay?


Crazed Zealot
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Stratics Legend
If I can be outmaneuvered by other players & monsters solely due to my choice of client, that's a bad thing, mmkay?
choice of client + computer.

Like any new version of software, if you find you're having poor performance with your current computer, the next time you upgrade, try it again and you might be surprised how different the experience is.

Trebr Drab

If you all depend on UOAM.. you're SOL unless someone hacks the source and lets loose a new update. SA may be more graphics intensive than classic.. but it is very nice, including 90% of UOA and 95% of UOAM (my figures based on use not on analysis).

I've read and heard that most of UO's player base is older folk.. the phrase "can't teach an old dog new tricks" seems to apply. Your stubbornness will be the end of you.
I want the new features that SA offers, but I can't stand the graphics. I've played other games, no problem with the graphics change there. So it's not the "change", it's the product.

Even so, if UO were only available in the SA graphics I think I'd still play it, despite my reaction to the graphics. UO is simply the only MMO that gives you so much freedom. That's why I came back, together with some of the fixes to problems like they did with the caps, to help reduce the over powered top end and keep the game feeling more "worldly" in a social aspect.


choice of client + computer.

Like any new version of software, if you find you're having poor performance with your current computer, the next time you upgrade, try it again and you might be surprised how different the experience is.
My computer is a year old and has (for a notebook) a very solid video card. UO is a 12 year old game. Other games with far more involved graphics than UO play just fine on it. So I'm gonna go with the problem not being on my end here. ;)


Crazed Zealot
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Stratics Legend
*shrugs* ... *goes back to happily playing SA on my 3-year old computer that wasn't cutting edge at the time*


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
When sa goes live will 2d users be forced to upgrade to this graphical disaster? Seems like sa is a giant step backwards in terms of the quality of the graphics.
Of corse not... but I wouldnt say its a disaster.. actually I find the interface and the graphics much better than the 2d client :)


Thankfully no.

As others have said, those of us who don't want to upgrade find the current graphics to be yet another abortion.

While the legacy client(aka old) doesn't have spell effects, swaying trees, zoom ability, etc, the graphics are crisp, no frill, and solid.

Would I love a better client? Yes. Is the current SA THE client? No.

Also, on the topic of shelf presence, you should get the idea that SA is not "ALL THAT" since they aren't doing a boxed set:coco:


If you PvP I can't see anyone ever using the SA client the fact is the people using Legacy have a major advantage over people using SA.

I tried to PvP with SA, it was a complete disaster. Anyways it's just a way for the UO staff to get a bigger paycheck no doubt they could force anything down all your throats and I bet you would still pay 50 bucks for it only because you have been playing UO for years and prefer it over any other MMO's and they know that.

I won't be switching I think it's fugly.

Honestly there are improvements they could do to Legacy like add in a zoom feature I would be happy to give em a snippet of code to do it since well that pretty much all it is to add that feature.

Give me the dang source to UO I would give ya'll some crazy good clients in a week with all the features of SA but with Legacy client. If I can do it and I don't work for any software company either A: UO programmers are complete novice programmers who are still learning how to work and mod Origins code or B: They have no design sense at all. Ehhh either way SA is garbage I give it 1 out of five stars . . . . .


Saying UO's graphics keep it from being on shelves is odd... As if SA is all new, great 2009 graphics? No. It looks bad imo.

Diablo II had better graphics than SA.


choice of client + computer.

Like any new version of software, if you find you're having poor performance with your current computer, the next time you upgrade, try it again and you might be surprised how different the experience is.
I have a core 2 duo 2.4 ghz with 2gb or ddr 800mhz ram, a radion x1300 video card, and a raid 5 7200rpm sata hdd array. The video card is pcie and so on, it's not the hardware, oh and 64bit xp pro.

I have a laptop that is a dual core x64 amd with a nice video card and pretty much the same thing, the laptop is about 2 years old, and is really a desktop replacement laptop, big heavy, you know.