From what I understood; since the "other plan" was scrapped; the "weight" intensity on items should of been scrapped too right? Because if it hasn't been removed; Imbuing isn't great at all.
A (NPC store bought) bow can only have the following..
50% Lower Defense - 130% (Because of a 1.3 Weight Ratio)
50% Velocity - 130% (Because of a 1.3 Weight Ratio)
50% Lightning - 140% (Because of a 1.4 Weight Ratio)
25% Damage Increase - 50% (Because of 1.0 Weight Ratio)
Total: 450%.
Thats right. No Balanced. No SSI. Nothing else.
This is a MAXED OUT Modded Item under the weight system. So again; with the weights the way they are currently, it makes Imbuing still rather useless; and not even Sub-Par compared to runics.
Thoughts & Comments?? 
From what I understood; since the "other plan" was scrapped; the "weight" intensity on items should of been scrapped too right? Because if it hasn't been removed; Imbuing isn't great at all.
A (NPC store bought) bow can only have the following..
50% Lower Defense - 130% (Because of a 1.3 Weight Ratio)
50% Velocity - 130% (Because of a 1.3 Weight Ratio)
50% Lightning - 140% (Because of a 1.4 Weight Ratio)
25% Damage Increase - 50% (Because of 1.0 Weight Ratio)
Total: 450%.
Thats right. No Balanced. No SSI. Nothing else.
This is a MAXED OUT Modded Item under the weight system. So again; with the weights the way they are currently, it makes Imbuing still rather useless; and not even Sub-Par compared to runics.