My question is this...
When crafting with a runic hammer, in what order are the values calculated, or rather, how are they calculated? I realize some hammers have 20, 30, and 40% minimum intensities. But my question is this...
...Do all the hammers have the same chance to roll max intensity? Meaning, is a percentile die rolled, and then a value determined based on the minimum intensity, or is there a spread based on minimum intensity, and then a die rolled based on that?
Here, let's put this to numbers, because it's a little tough to explain what I'm talking about.
Hammer 1: 50% Minimum Intensity
Hammer 2: 25% Minimum Intensity
For dice rolls, is a 1-100 die used for both hammers, and then the numbers mesh in to match with the minimum intensity? Or, for Hammer 1, would a 50-100 die be used, statistically making a max intensity roll more likely than a 1-100 roll? And for Hammer 2, a 25-100 die be used, still making a max intensity more likely than a 1-100, but yet not as likely as a 50-100.
Hopefully this isn't too confusing for people to understand :/
When crafting with a runic hammer, in what order are the values calculated, or rather, how are they calculated? I realize some hammers have 20, 30, and 40% minimum intensities. But my question is this...
...Do all the hammers have the same chance to roll max intensity? Meaning, is a percentile die rolled, and then a value determined based on the minimum intensity, or is there a spread based on minimum intensity, and then a die rolled based on that?
Here, let's put this to numbers, because it's a little tough to explain what I'm talking about.
Hammer 1: 50% Minimum Intensity
Hammer 2: 25% Minimum Intensity
For dice rolls, is a 1-100 die used for both hammers, and then the numbers mesh in to match with the minimum intensity? Or, for Hammer 1, would a 50-100 die be used, statistically making a max intensity roll more likely than a 1-100 roll? And for Hammer 2, a 25-100 die be used, still making a max intensity more likely than a 1-100, but yet not as likely as a 50-100.
Hopefully this isn't too confusing for people to understand :/