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Rune Beetle Build


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hi Trying out a rune beetle build, any tips or suggestion for the stats below.
What were the original attribute values at the time of taming? The attribute numbers in the planner are 17pts over 2300 limit.
Will have to adjust either STR or INT to fit depending on start values. Probably STR since beetles usually have high starting INT.
Otherwise looks like a solid magery build.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Thanks Nereus.
I wont be able to have 700 str and 404 int?
Should i keep the str @700 and reduce int?
Would add as much STR as possible and leave INT at base value.
INT is over 370 so won't be able to get 700 STR with 150 DEX.
Mana value already decent, so can either add more HP or Mana with whatever points left over.
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Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
rune beetles are hard to use because points are tight.

that said they are the only beetle that can use discordance.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You lose Magery and Poisoning, but it will still have Rune Corruption, correct?
Discord with RC is a powerful combo to do energy damage with Death Ray, true?
Only the Magics are replaced by adding Discord, so will keep Rune Corruption.
Disco and Chivalry Rune Beetles are extremely tight on points. Lower regen levels will be one of the tradeoffs.
Will want HP Regen since no Magery, and HP will likely be under 500.
Best Disco/Chivalry Rune Beetles have high starting STR and Resists, and low INT/Poison Resist/Poisoning/EvalInt starting stats.
More a support pet than main tank. Does work well debuffing Energy Resist for Death Ray.
A Conductive Blast/Disco Cu or Triton would produce similar result with Death Ray, is way tankier and has more points to play with.
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Only the Magics are replaced by adding Discord, so will keep Rune Corruption.
Disco and Chivalry Rune Beetles are extremely tight on points. Lower regen levels will be one of the tradeoffs.
Will want HP Regen since no Magery, and HP will likely be under 500.
Best Disco/Chivalry Rune Beetles have high starting STR and Resists, and low INT/Poison Resist/Poisoning/EvalInt starting stats.
More a support pet than main tank. Does work well debuffing Energy Resist for Death Ray.
A Conductive Blast/Disco Cu or Triton would produce similar result with Death Ray, is way tankier and has more points to play with.

So as other other posters have mentioned maybe not worth the time to train multiple Rune beetles.
Unless you find the right one with balanced stats.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
So as other other posters have mentioned maybe not worth the time to train multiple Rune beetles.
Unless you find the right one with balanced stats.
Ideal Rune Beetles for Disco/Chivalry builds are rare.
With the current advanced training system and the expanded availability of stable slots, it's more effective to gear pet builds for specific encounters than for general purpose play.
Sometimes the group will take all beetles (Iron, Fire, Rune, Frost Mite) to Roof so Rune Corruption is always up and damage types are varied vs. Anon.