Ahh crap atm UO never dies, there is no other good MMORPG out to quit UO for. On my shard it is completly diffrent at this time, many old players comming back, want to see what happend with SA. Mythic in my eyes have done a failure and the failure was KR, the plan was to release the client first and a half year after that SA. They failed because of a missmanagment which results in a significant move of the dev team.
The Client was not ready, but instead of open communication they keep silent, doing a few things here and there, useless community collections instead of integrating the new faction items into the existing system. Its clear, it is a lot of easier to place a box with almost ready dropping system, than integrating into faction crafting for example.
Then the "Draconi" plan, a booring slow moving event line. Unbalanced Greater Dragons!
I dont want to see all negative, but all things they have done in the last year were so superficial, but iam full of hope now with the EM's and the time they had, there is something big going on the future.
Dont understand me wrong, it is not necessary to make changes, but if you do changes, please make them right, with more potential in it.