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Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
so whats new whats not new i hear the metal rewards dye tubs are hot also some kind of pirate carpet... how are my freinds in hofd? does it seem like everyone died and joined cd then died and rezed died and rezed and joined cd? what about kozi are there numbers dwindaling? how about rrr another 2 week wonder? then theres that mvp heard there some people from atlantic wanting to be number one of course if your adds here joined them they must be the bullies on the block if you cant beat em join em ehh adds. then we still have the supr gank when everything is said and done rush em now boyz chuckles. of course theres some freinds in boo and a guild bs which stands for black sun i believe and not the other bs hehe what about our M still holding the peices together or not as much anymore here kitty kitty?? once i get my photobucket acct set up ill start doing some screenshots with some interesting opinions hopefully soon.

The recordings of Count Silverbow