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[Discussion] Rubble Values

Blood Ghoul

Stratics Veteran
Is there a list of rough Rubble values anywhere? Over the years I have collected several hundred pieces and I am going to purge my collection down a bit.



Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Campaign Patron
They seem to have be quite variable currently. Best bet is to post a list and get a price check.

Blood Ghoul

Stratics Veteran
K. I will check and see which ones are on vendors and for what prices. I am most interested in ditching the very low end stuff so if I see it for sale cheap somewhere it should be a good guide


Lore Keeper, Wiki Maker, & Doer of Crazy Things
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To be honest, most rubbles that are on vendors at the moment have been on vendors for a very long time, mainly because they're overpriced, or (for the very low end) because there's no demand.

If you'd like, I can take a look and try to give you some estimates; Leonidas frequently is willing to do so as well. Alternately, if you want to post some screenshots, we can try to help out here on the forums.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Campaign Patron
Or If you are looking just to clear out space and unload low end items, maybe Brian or Leonidas (or any of the more active rubble collectors) can make you an offer on the lot; saves the hassle of listing/vendoring yourself.


Lore Keeper, Wiki Maker, & Doer of Crazy Things
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Lol, this is true also :D