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[Discussion] Rubble Table and White Lathiari Statue


Stratics Veteran
Stumbled upon this table and statue at an IDOC wondering if theyre wort h keepin, Thanks!

ICQ- 202323015 Highlightted rubble.png Color Rubble Tablr.png Lathiari.png Lathiari 2.png
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Assia Penryn

The Sleeping Dragon
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Congrats. You found two great items. Make sure you get an accurate check before selling to any offers via PM. @Riply should have an idea on the value of the statue. It'll be up there I bet


Stratics Veteran
Congrats. You found two great items. Make sure you get an accurate check before selling to any offers via PM. @Riply should have an idea on the value of the statue. It'll be up there I bet
Thanks for the reply Assia Penryn I will make sure I do that. Would you by chance have an idea in your head of what either are even worth?

I did a little research, and saw a couple of prices for the statue, but they were from the '08 timeframe. Nothing on the table though as of yet.

A couple of people have ICQ'd me but I dont even know what to say lol.


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Thanks for the reply Assia Penryn I will make sure I do that. Would you by chance have an idea in your head of what either are even worth?

I did a little research, and saw a couple of prices for the statue, but they were from the '08 timeframe. Nothing on the table though as of yet.

A couple of people have ICQ'd me but I dont even know what to say lol.
i saw a table for 40mil on a vendor one time, that was a steal. I could see it going for 100 without much trouble. if the statue werent white it would be worth around 35-45m. the white ones are very rare tho so its worth more. not sure off hand off hand as i dont really do christmas statues.

Its all about what youd be happy getting for the item. Personally, if i were to auction them, id put a reserve of 50mil for table, 50mil for that statue and see where the bids went from there. for less than that it wouldnt be worth it to sell them for me anyway.


Stratics Veteran
i saw a table for 40mil on a vendor one time, that was a steal. I could see it going for 100 without much trouble. if the statue werent white it would be worth around 35-45m. the white ones are very rare tho so its worth more. not sure off hand off hand as i dont really do christmas statues.

Its all about what youd be happy getting for the item. Personally, if i were to auction them, id put a reserve of 50mil for table, 50mil for that statue and see where the bids went from there. for less than that it wouldnt be worth it to sell them for me anyway.
Thanks Smoot, You're always there when I have questions lol. I just honestly dont know if I wanna sell these items or not. Being as I am still in the "return to Britannia" mode from a few years break.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Campaign Patron
I have seen 2 tables on vendors in the last six months or so, both around 100m to 125m, and they were gone pretty quickly. I think if you were going to sell, Smoot's idea of an auction would be the best way to go.


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
auctions can go either way tho, can go for way less than luna price, or way more than luna price. So if you do decide to auction, id recommend setting a reserve that you would be happy with selling for.

Igg A Pie

Slightly Crazed
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because of Ripley and Floyd I am gonna stay out of this. LOL! good luck guys! nice to see both of you still around!!


Lore Master
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Stratics Legend
Hi Iggie and Hi Pfloyd, btw I'm listening to Pink Floyd CD atm kinda funny well sorta.

White angel statue 500 million


Stratics Veteran
Hey guys, I apologize for not being very active since yesterday.The Army isn't to great on schedules. I'll be on sometime tonight.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
is this a white lathiari statue or a named obsidian statue? damn the price is getting up there :)

Pampa DH

Lore Master
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Where do these statues come from? Also guy I would be interested in the rubble table. Are you going to auction it or just ask for a price?


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
i knew it was a lathiari statue, just never seen them go for this price, but then again ive never seen a white one. i know there are 3 different angel statues, lathiari, g-thunk, and g-splat. they are an old holiday gift i believe, redeem a ticket and get a statue, normally it would be a bust of keoneean or the ones like minax statues, but there was a rare chance of getting one of the angel statues. correct me if i'm wrong.


Rares Fest Host | Ches Jan 2011
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There are very few white angel statues left in game, I think Riply has the brunt of what's left. He has a amazing Christmas statue collection. Good luck and nice find.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
i knew it was a lathiari statue, just never seen them go for this price, but then again ive never seen a white one. i know there are 3 different angel statues, lathiari, g-thunk, and g-splat. they are an old holiday gift i believe, redeem a ticket and get a statue, normally it would be a bust of keoneean or the ones like minax statues, but there was a rare chance of getting one of the angel statues. correct me if i'm wrong.
There are actually 4 white angel statues


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Campaign Patron
Wow. I'm IDOCing with guyatlantic from now on.


Stratics Veteran
Pampa DH, sorry for the reply times being so long. Work has been kinda unpredictable. Anyways, I will be posting an auction in the next few minutes. I have a couple more rubble items and potted plants and possibly a couple of event items i might as well add.

Pampa DH

Lore Master
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Stratics Legend
Campaign Patron
Thanks guy. Looking forward to it


Stratics Veteran
Riply and Pfloyd, I am about to start an auction for additional items, the statue is pictured. But I will reserve it exclusively for you two unless I get some CRAZY bid. I will tag yall in the new thread so you can find it easily. I appreciate yalls patience around my work schedule! Also, my intent is to try to do the sales around Atlantic, does this work for both of you? I will be Transfering there at the end of the auction. It will end today so itll be a short auction! lol. Good luck guys and Thanks!


Colorblind Collector
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Riply and Pfloyd, I am about to start an auction for additional items, the statue is pictured. But I will reserve it exclusively for you two unless I get some CRAZY bid. I will tag yall in the new thread so you can find it easily. I appreciate yalls patience around my work schedule! Also, my intent is to try to do the sales around Atlantic, does this work for both of you? I will be Transfering there at the end of the auction. It will end today so itll be a short auction! lol. Good luck guys and Thanks!
Awesome. That sounds good to me and 700M on the statue...unless you want me to post there?