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[Selling] Rubble Fire, Real LT sash And Glad Collar And Event Item!



Selling Real Glad Collar 160 Mil
Real LT sash 160 Mil
Scaffold 190 Mil
Dragon Harness (Sonoma Event Item) 140 Mil
Rubble Fire 350 Mil
Please ICQ me if your interested in any items, i'm willing to negotiate prices if these items are not on the shard you want them on. Collar and sash are on cats, I have a sash on pac, scaffold is on atl, dragon harness and rubble fire are on sonoma. Thank you very much for reading! :)
ICQ # 476648209


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

Earlier today via ICQ, we went into negotiations for the Scaffold on Atlantic. You agreed to sell me the Scaffold for the trade of two Event items that I had on Pacific. I met you on Pacific, above Luna Bank along with Blaz N' Star of GoL. You were first handed by my character "Cortez", a Bane Message Container (1 of 10) worth at least 50 Million Gold Pieces and one Demonic Crisis Vanquisher Statue worth at least 100 Million or more (ones at last Rares Fest sold for 125 Million). The Bane Message Container you accepted and it went into your Backpack. The second item, the Demonic Crisis Vanquisher (Statue) I held in the trade window 'til I at least saw the Scaffold you had on Atlantic. You then told me to meet you on Atlantic at the same location - on top of Luna Bank. You would be there as "Faustus". You put the 2 pieces of Scaffold into the trade window and I finished the trade on Pacific with you, giving you the Statue.

After giving you the Demonic Statue, you disappeared...!. Did you lose connection? I did not get the Scaffold! Please contact me, so that we can finish this trade. I will be available via ICQ or you can PM me here.

I am very disappointed that I did not get the Scaffold. I will continue to keep the Rares Community aware, to let them know when we complete a successful trade. Hopefully, we can finish this trade soon and complete the transaction, so that we are both happy. Right now, I am not happy! :sad3: I wanted to put the Scaffold outside of my Museum on Pacific to show that it is still a work in progress.

Looking forward to hearing from you, Asha...! :)


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
yeah i really hope this is some kind of error and not a scam.so far NOT COOL ASHA


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Sorry to say but I think this person has done this before. If you check their history a mod has posted buyer beware on their thread. Goodluck getting this resolved.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Just wanted to let all of you know, that I have not received the "Scaffold" as of today. I also have not been contacted by Asha by any means (email, PM, ICQ). Asha, if you decided that you do not want to trade the Demonic Crisis Vanquisher and the Bane Message Container for the Scaffold, then just give them back to me. Please contact me as soon as possible. I want to get the Scaffold!


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I am not saying that Asha scammed me. I am giving him an opportunity to complete this transaction and make it right. He might have lost connection or some other mitigating circumstances happened. I don't care either way. I just want the "Scaffold" or the return of the two items I gave him in trade, if he doesn't want to complete the transaction. :sad3:



he hasnt lost connection believe me he did the same to me =/ and blocked me on icq and told a story about me lol but wait and see good luck


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I am still waiting to get the Scaffold...Asha has not logged in here since 11-02, so hopefully he logs in soon and we can complete the transaction. I just want the Scaffold and to complete the transaction...Asha Contact Me...!


Weird in one of my auctions Asha won the scaffold, but he did not contact me for 11 days and so i sold it to the next highest bidder. he later contacted me wanting the scaffold but i had already resold it. so maybe he does not have a scaffold? he is not good at getting back to you i think he does work or somthing full time so i would maybe give it a day or two.


fraggles im pretty sure that this person will not get his item its been too long and this is the same guy that had me over aswell


Lore Keeper
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I just wanted to say that I am very impressed with the way you have tried to handle this situation. You were very cordial, and have given ample time and opportunity for this person to correct this issue.

Unfortunately it is looking like the other party is not even half of an admirable person as you. I am sorry to see such a good person get ripped off >_<


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I just wanted to say that I am very impressed with the way you have tried to handle this situation. You were very cordial, and have given ample time and opportunity for this person to correct this issue.

Unfortunately it is looking like the other party is not even half of an admirable person as you. I am sorry to see such a good person get ripped off >_<
I know this is old but after reading this, it made me sick. That's nicely putting it. These kids theses days (because men don't do this), don't care about consequences or believe there is something called karma. When all this negative actions he does catches up to him, man I'd hate to be him. It will be ugly trust me. The sad thing is these type of people hide behind a computer. Cowards. I wish the best to the guy who lost his items and anyone else who gets taken advantage of. Evil always loses, in the end.


Another bad consequence is that some people lump scammers and us players that play "pickpockets" in-game into the same clump...

Unjustified, but understandle.

So many of them call their persuasion thefts and con-games "stealing skill" which, frankly, is despicable.. But like you said: they are obviously cowards hiding behind a computer.