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(RP) Sheperdess Natalie Vain officially supports the Magincians' cause!



Greetings Magincians and Britannians,

I, Natalie Vain, shepherdess of Magincia, officially declares my support for the Magincians and their cause for self determination, free from Britannia's rule.

When I returned from my refuge, I saw a New Magincia. But at first I wasn't sure if the Magincians have learned their lessons. Their pursuit of independence and several white-marbled villas built as a part of the reconstruction raised my doubts.

However, I myself was not impervious to pride. I pursued the art of taming for the purpose of using the most powerful beasts in Sosaria to hunt and collect riches. I became obsessed with finding the most powerful rune beetles, bake kitsunes and greater dragons. After sometime, I stopped enjoying it. It became a work, not a hobby. My true hobby, is herding.

Two people helped me realized my mistakes. The first was Gareth the RBC Emissary, who reminded me that humility is not a hard-defined word created by Lord British. Humility comes from each of us. The absence of Truth, Love and Courage may lead to pride, but each of us has the capability to turn pride into humility. The second person was, surprisingly, my former guildmate Irene Enterprise. (The final chapter of the story has yet to be written, but let's just say we have reconciled our differences). She made me realized that my purpose to pursue Animal Taming leads to pride. And by their guidance, I am now no longer a tamer, just a shepherd. I'm not saying that all tamers are prideful braggarts, but for me personally, I do not feel humility when I was a tamer.

Recent events also helped me towards this decision. The Britannians blockaded the Magincians' northern coast with all guns blazing. That's the very definition of pride right there. And recent attacks on the Seawitch and now the drakes helped me see that the Magincians are the underdogs in this conflict.

But what really set me on this path is the two buildings near the western jungle. Shepherds Rest owned by Rahiim Al Aabed and Pol's Pen owned by Pol The Shepherd finally opened my eyes to see that there are Magincians who follows the virtue of humility.

That's why, from now on, Natalie Vain is on the side of Magincia.