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RP - Schedules to keep and duties to attend to


A town guard

Schedules to keep and duties to attend to

Falling behind schedule is news the Captain of the Guards would not likely be happy reading about in a report detailing current progress of the newly commissioned Town Guard Storage Depot located just Northeast of Britain’s moon-gate. In an attempt to keep construction and shipping delays to a minimum, and avoid the disapproval and ire of the Captain, the ranking officer of Britain’s town guard, southwestern garrison, spent his last week’s time off-duty searching for various items to expedite completion of the new supply depot.

“Why must there always be unexpected delays when dealing with the various craftsmen and trading companies commissioned to provide goods and equipment for the town guard? Do we not provide payment-in-full in a prompt and timely manner?”, mused the Corporal to himself as he rode horseback heading East out of the mining town of Minoc towards his next destination, “Gilly’s Goods and Lodge”. The Corporal openly grumbled and complained the entire ride there, not used to traveling horseback these days. He made a mental note to inquire with Captain Jenkins about re-negotiating contracts for various town guard supplies to more reliable vendors and sources. “If only I could find contractors and suppliers as reliable as those within the Kingdom of Dawn”, he thought to himself. Twice now in the last week, when repair contracts and uniform supplies were depleted and promised shipments delayed once again with little or no explanation from the current contracted suppliers, it was Mushu and Tarwyn, legendary crafters from the Kingdom of Dawn, that replenished town guard supplies with haste and high quality items to boot. “The ongoing amicable relationship between the Kingdom of Dawn and Britannia has proven beneficial on more than one occasion”, the Corporal thought to himself as he rubbed the back of his neck. “Thankfully the previously strained relations during the time of Lord Casca seem to have been repaired.”

When he arrived at “Gilly’s Goods and Lodge”, the items he commissioned the previous day by courier were available and ready for purchase. He chided himself, having forgotten to stop by the town guard headquarters outside of Castle Britannia to pick up reserved and allocated town guard funds for expenses such as this. The guardsman paused as he handed over gold payment from his purse to the vendor. He reminded himself to fill out the appropriate expense report forms and pass them along to his superior officer come daybreak tomorrow. If he was lucky, he might see the reimbursement funds by early Spring at best.

Tucking the items safely away in his rucksack, which was tied to the saddle of his horse, the Corporal slowly climbed atop the steed and grunted his displeasure of the long expected journey back home. He refused to take the shorter path, that of the moon-gate located between Vesper and Minoc. The last time he attempted to enter a moon-gate on this particular horse, the animal became spooked, threw him to the ground, and galloped off delaying the guardsman by several hours, making him very late for a scheduled appointment with one of the town officials. He thought it best not to risk such an incident again and decided instead to stick to the road.

As the evening hour approached on the return trip, his thoughts drifted back to the original reason why a new town guard supply depot had to be constructed. “If that noblewoman Charlotte Christianson hadn’t had her way, there would have been no need for constructing a new supply depot in the first place. What nerve she has! Who does she think she is, uprooting and dismantling the old supply building and transforming it to serve instead as her new makeshift residence away from whatever wealthy province or homestead she likely hails from. Nobles! Gah!” Before he became too frustrated with the situation, he focused his thoughts instead on new town guard recruits, Magrig and Pirate Roberts, that had recently signed up for service with the garrison. They seemed promising enough, and both were well traveled and experienced in combat, making them potentially easier to train. With that, he put his heels to the side flanks of his horse, hoping to arrive back in Britain ahead of schedule and check what progress had been made on the supply depot building since the late morning hours.