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[RP News] The Game of Intrigue: News and Rumors - August 2011: The Summer of Love


Babbling Loonie
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The Game of Intrigue: News and Rumors - August 2011

Rumors are often just that. Rumors. But sometimes even a rumor bears with it a single grain of truth.

You are welcome to build on this list.

- Valek Typhoon - Captain of the Chimera - and Lynne Zellinous of Magincia have announced their engagement. The two are expected to be wed sometime this autumn upon the Isle of Pride.

- Lindae Seiren has also announced that he is to wed his longtime consort and lover.

Seeking a return to Virtue - and the tenants of Lord Cantabrigian - Lindae has petitioned Councillor Elladan to officiate their nupitals. No word on whether the elected Paladin has accepted or not.

The two are expected to be wed in Castle Britannia sometime this Autumn.

- Natalie Vain - a Shepherdess from the Magincia - claims to have been driven from the Isle of Pride.

However - despite the rapt glee of some Britannian's - those responsible do not appear to be Magincian.

This note was found at the Magincian Gazebo three evenings ago: So you have returned, Natalie! Soon, I will find you, and when I do, I will destroy you and your family!

Oh, by the way, your sheep in Magincia, they taste delicious!
- Irene Enterprise.

- Proserpina the Witch has been wandering the lands in search of the enigmatic "A."

The man had claimed to have murdered several Magincians to avenge her. Now she wants answers.​


A Shrine of Humility has mysteriously appeared on the beach at Magincia.


A new commodity has been introduced into Umbra's thriving black market: a strange liquid, described as deep red and coppery in taste, with aphrodesiac and hallucinogenic effects. It is uncertain where this drug originates from. However, several high-end reputable establishments have begun selling it to clients in addition to their services; it reportedly fetches a high price.


The Paladin has refused Seiren's request to officiate his marriage, on a basis of ethical objection. The wedding will still go ahead, with plans to hold the ceremony in the new Shrine of Humility on the Magincian coast; some bureaucratic paperwork has to be worked out before arrangements can be commenced.

The Slug

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If a more suitable person can't be found I would be honored to perform the ceremony Lindae. Of course being married by a Necromancer may not be symbolic of such an occasion

And in other news Torg the Goblin is now apparently married. As usual he was the last one to know


If a more suitable person can't be found I would be honored to perform the ceremony Lindae. Of course being married by a Necromancer may not be symbolic of such an occasion
And in other news Torg the Goblin is now apparently married. As usual he was the last one to know
I am a necromancer, so I think that it would be quite appropriate. I am going to make an effort to find a priest, monk, or other person of the cloth; nevertheless, please consider yourself a guest of honour at the wedding. Tragically and mysteriously, the Shrine where we wished to marry is no longer open to the public, but we are happy to relocate a few inches and exchange vows on the sand.

Please congratulate Torg for me. Unless he has married my fiance, in which case I will regrettably have to slay him.

Painted Elves

Seasoned Veteran
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Lindae when the time comes and you haven't found a place to hold the ceremony I'd be happy to decorate my Zento house for a wedding. Just PM me whenever.


Babbling Loonie
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Stratics Legend
- Osiredon the Enforcer has once again assaulted a Merchant Vessel off the coast of Nujel'm.

The Scalis was lured back to the shores of Northern Magincia where it was subdued through the combined efforts of Magincians and mercenaries from the mainland.

Britannian Councillor Goodfellow was on the ship in question. She is reported to be unharmed.

- Alouenikah of House Seiren has been detained in Umbra. The man - who appears to have been suffering the effects of some halucinogenic drug - broke into the Council of Necrarch's and assaulted Ifan Shafiri before being restrained.

He claims the vegitables told him to kill.

Amber Witch

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
- Alouenikah of House Seiren has been detained in Umbra. The man - who appears to have been suffering the effects of some halucinogenic drug - broke into the Council of Necrarch's and assaulted Ifan Shafiri before being restrained.

He claims the vegitables told him to kill.
Take away his vegemite. It makes you do stuff like that.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
(OOC) I love the picture, especially the one-armed huddle!

(IC) It's ok Al, a little vodka was all it took to wash the stain out of my robe.

Mama Faith

Lore Keeper
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Stratics Legend
Dang, I love Alouenikah's drawings! Did you see the "also I am ugly" in the bottom right corner? *ROFL*


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
there is something so cool about that first bear err i mean ber that I really like, it reminds me of some 1940's moderne advertisement.


You've all made Alouenikah very happy, he's been waddling around grinning like a loon all day.