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[RP News] "Magincia Will Fall." Threat Distributed Throughout the Isle of Pride.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
"Magincia Will Fall." Threat Distributed Throughout the Isle of Pride.
Author Unknown

This note has been distributed throughout Magincia in books and pamphlets.

The author - at present - remains unknown.

Let it be known that I hold no interest in the political powers that seek to fight over the lands. My fight is with the people of Magincia.

Upon hearing of my lady's murder, I have now forsaken the laws of humility and hereby create my own law of Vengeance.

I know not what brought about my lady's demise, nor do I know whose hands doth now carry her blood. I do know that all are now accountable and all shall be laid to waste by sword or spell. I shall not rest until justice has been met. I will take all the lands of that Isle and cover them in the dust of dead before allowing the sea to rush in and reclaim the soil.

Aye, tis true I be but one man, but for my lady lost I shall fight like legion.

Proserpina is her name, and with all that I am I shall carve her name into every body I destroy on Magincian soil. I will make every soul I send to oblivion cry out her name as proof of their guilt in her demise.

Pray to whatever gods you worship, for ye all shall see them soon. Know that death stalks your isle, and with it comes a slow and painful end. May the gods have mercy on you, for I shall not.

Prepare ye'selves for thy doom.

- A.



*holds up a sign reading "yes, the Magincians killed your lady. Burn them all."


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I have a champion! Somebody does care!

Yay! "A" is gonna kick your A! *wishes she knew who "A" was but...*


*holds up a sign reading "yes, the Magincians killed your lady. Burn them all."

Mama Faith

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
"Magincia Will Fall." Threat Distributed Throughout the Isle of Pride.
Author Unknown

Proserpina is her name, and with all that I am, I shall carve her name into every body I destroy on Magincian soil.

- A.
OK, I couldn't help reading that part and thinking, "Man, they'd better be tall because that's a LOT of letters to be carved down a person's body and it's going to take forever to carve it". Maybe you should think about using a permanent marker instead??? Just a thought... :lick:


I have a champion! Somebody does care!
Yay! "A" is gonna kick your A! *wishes she knew who "A" was but...*


Somebody needs to cover his tracks a bit more thoroughly.

Or perhaps it stands for 'Avshalom', and I have a split personality who is a valiant defender of genocidal maniacs.


A voice in the shadows has bade me tell you all this: " The isle of pride will soon know the power of one, an army will not raise your land nor will demonspawn from the hells wreck havoc. Tis but one man driven by his desire to see vengence upon all."


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend


Somebody needs to cover his tracks a bit more thoroughly.

*looks at the handwriting in note*

No, that's not his hand and it definitely doesn't sound like him....

*goes back to haunt Lindae*