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[RP News] Love Is In The Air: Valentines Posted.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Love is in the Air

Valentine's posted throughout the Kingdoms of Trammel and Luna.

"Patrons of the Sea Witch: Happy Valentine's Day!" - Love, Circe

"To Magdalena, Lynne, Fern, Anya, Grey and Circe. Daddy loves you all." - Nicholas

"Glory: You're a sweetheart for all the work you do!" - Love, AW

"Toby: You're a sweetheart for all the work you do!" - Love, AW

"Amber: Your greatest wealth is your good health and happiness." - Toby

"Addressed to all: *huggles*" - Love, Dahlia

"To an old man from Laura. Your pets can nibble my plants any time."

"Silver Wing. Still crusin' after all these years." - Vas N'ailvn

"Tias: Love is blind, just like you." - Kisses, Leithia

"A Love Note Addressed to Baja." - Mesanna

"A Love Note Addressed to Baja." - Elder EM Seppo

"A Valentine's Day Scroll Addressed to 'My Students.'" - The Healer of Vesper

"A Love Note Addressed to Baja." - EM Godiva

"A Valentine's Day Scroll Addressed to the High Council." - Lady Charlotte Christianson

"To Godiva. I dropped dead by your beauty, literally. With all the love of a dirt nap." - Eht Otam

"Will you be mine, EM Godiva?" - Gareth

"Dearest EM Godiva. Roses are red and violets are purple ...like your robe. Will you be my Valentine?" - HappyGoLucky

"EM Godiva. Are you for real or is this just a dream? When I wake up tomorrow will you be next to me? Did you really fall from heaven? Are you really here to stay? Will you stay with me forever, or leave me any day? Stay right here beside me, until the end of time. I'm going to love you forever, Angel of Mine." - Hanna Swift

"To the great guys and gals who made Cartel what it is today. Thank you, I love you all." - SuperKen

"Ray: You are the man of my dreams. My one true love. You and me forever, babe." - Heather

"Heather: Love you with all my heart." - Ray

"To A Goat,
I'd rope you any time." - Dr Strangelove

"Extreme and Sin,
Bestest UO Friends, 4Ever!"

"To Twist,
You are my only one. Happy Valentine's Day." - Summer

I look forward to continuing to avoid our dates."
- James

"Dearest James,
Thou art the best date that I never had."
- Magdalena

"Halo in Reverse,
Always in my heart, always by your side. I love you...always!" - Bacchus

You are my everything. I love you always." - Love, Halo In Reverse

"Happy Valentines Day, Sara. My Love, My Friend, My Soulmate... Love you!" - Jinx

"To Jinx,
The Cleverest Rabbit in all of Baja!" - Myst

"To Scallywag,
The Sweetest Pirate Ever!" - Myst


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
Wot dis Balintine days? All dis huggies and kissys lobe etc....bah dat just too muches all goooey and nos kin eats it. Goooey is fer candies and ice creams.
