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[RP News] Breaking News. Nicholas Tarrant and Proserpina Murdered.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Breaking News. Nicholas Tarrant and Proserpina Murdered.

The Freeborn Press has just learned that Proserpina - Apprentice to Asimov the Black - and Nicholas Tarrant have been murdered.

The northman was killed two nights ago in his home in Dawn. A pair of vollems and a hooded man were seen leaving the scene according to a witness. The seals on the doors have faded and Citizens are allowed to investigate the scene.

Proserpina's demise - however - has been much more difficult to trace. One claims overhearing a pair discussing her murder in the Sea Witch Tavern nights ago. A vengeful shade of the woman has been seen haunting the shores of Magincia during the twilight hours these past two evenings.

All attempts to raise her have failed.

Lindae the Umbral has claimed to be responsible for the demise of Proserpina - something he claims was just considering her past - but denies all involvement in the death of Nicholas Tarrant.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
*holds up sticky hands*

I know a good ointment for that.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
OoO OooOo!

(Translation: And to think I was just protecting and defending a friend's property from a naked intruder-thief rifling through his belongs. I was merely being a concerned citizen, a good samaritan -if you will- guarding the neighborhood against such rogues!)

OoOOoO OooOooOoooOOo oOoo Ooo OoOoOooOOoOoo OoOooOOoo OooOoOo OoOooO OOooOOooOoo oOOOOoOOOoooOo OoOooO OooOo oOooOo OooOooOo OoOooooOoo!

(Translation: And now I'm dead.)

*stalks off to haunt Lindae*


Such is the way of the world. I have heard tellings of one who now seeks revenge against the murderers. His history with Proserpina and Nicholas are quite fresh in his memory and he has sworn that all will fall before his might until those responsible are given a slow painful journey to their next life.

Xel The Wanderer

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
What the blink!?

Nooo, Piña! There's only one thing to do in this situation... *sings*

"I was tired of my lady,
We'd been together too long,
Like a worn out recording,
Of a favorite song.
So while she lay there sleepin,
I read the paper in bed,
And in the personal columns,
There was this letter I read.

If you like Pina Coladas,
And getting caught in the rain,
If you're not into yoga,
If you have half a brain,
If you like making love at midnight,
In the dunes of the cape,
Then I'm the love that you've looked for,
Write to me and escape.

I didn't think about my lady,
I know that sounds kinda of mean,
But me and my old lady,
Had fallen into the same old dull routine,
So I wrote to the paper,
Took out a personal ad,
And though I'm nobody's poet,
I thought it wasn't half bad.

Yes I like Pina Coladas,
And getting caught in the rain,
I'm not much into health food,
I am into champagne,
I've got to meet you by tomorrow noon,
And cut through all this red tape,
At a bar called O'Malley's,
Where we'll plan our escape.

So I waited with high hopes,
And she walked in the place,
I knew her smile in an instant,
I knew the curve of her face,
It was my own lovely lady,
And she said "Oh, it's you",
Then we laughed for a moment,
And I said "I never knew".

That you like Pina Coladas,
And gettin caught in the rain,
And the feel of the ocean,
And the taste of champagne,
If you like making love at midnight,
In the dunes on the cape,
Your the lady I've looked for,
Come with me and escape.

If you like Pina Coladas,
And getting caught in the rain,
If you're not into yoga,
If you have half a brain,
If you like making love at midnight,
In the dunes on the cape,
Then I'm the love that you've looked for,
Write to me and escape."

Rupert Holmes-Escape-The Piña Colada Song

And Nicholas as well??? Soon, a man will get blinkin' e-bolted for running naked in a dungeon, whilst holding a jug of sake in one hand, and a fish steak in the other! :shots:

I sincerely hope the culprit is found soon!

Pandora of Baja

that sea witch taven is a bad place to hang out....*shakes head*


that sea witch taven is a bad place to hang out....*shakes head*
That would be true if they were murdered there...All of this has happened at places that are typically peaceful.

*Goes back to helping Circe stock up for Friday Night*